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Psalms 33:11. KJV

The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. 

You are welcome to this page. According to the grace given to me by GOD, I am sent by GOD with a ministry that have diverse manifestations in music, teaching, preaching, prayers, miracles and ministry to those called into ministry (true ministers of the Gospel), etc. As you go through this website, you see various pages devoted to various aspects of my ministry. This page is devoted to ministering to ministers of the Gospel. The things that will be shared in this page are specifically to bring to pass, 

Isaiah 55:10-11. KJV

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. 

What are these words that proceed out of HIS mouth that this page is meant to help bring to pass ? They are the grace and truth of GOD that came as JESUS, producing the Church, the channel of GOD'S Mercy for the world; the counsel of the LORD that stands for ever, the thoughts of HIS heart to all generations. You see, no matter how hard you try, you will never frustrate the counsel of GOD, the true Church being one of it. You might not be familiar with Church history, but from the little you might know from scriptures, right from when Satan and his forces became aware of a divine plan of Mercy through a Messiah, they began to seek HIM out to destroy HIM. Take note, they tried all they could to ensure JESUS never survived childhood. They started hunting HIM from birth. 

St. Matthew 2:13. KJV

And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. 

St. Matthew 2:16. KJV

Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men. 

Check out that level of desperation to kill JESUS. They killed every child that breathed all in a bid to kill JESUS, since they had no idea which of them was JESUS. Take note, Herod was a king, a notable person in the society. I still wonder how some people still believe notable persons in the land cannot be agents of darkness. Go through your Bible, all those who sought JESUS, the Apostles, the Church, to kill and destroy them were Kings, Priests, the rich, notable persons in the society, people in power and high places. Do not misunderstand me, many agents, appearing as both poor and rich, also infiltrated and still infiltrate the Church at various levels; the Bible speaks of false brethren and false teachers joining the Church right from when the Church began after JESUS departed, etc. All these agents were all working together with those in office and power to destroy the Church. All these are clearly spelt out in the Bible. Who bought Judas ? The poor ? True servants of GOD, as you watch out for agents after you, watch both poor and rich; both can be agents. All those who fought JESUS and executed HIM, all those who fought the Apostles and the  Church, were not invisible creatures, they were people they lived and mingled with. I still marvel how some ministers still think that the forces after you are floating somewhere in the clouds waiting for you to cast them down. Many are still casting down Spirits sitting in their congregation looking at them, clapping hands and shouting hallelujah ! Yes, the Spirits you pray against come to Church as both poor and rich. 

60% of those that want you destroyed or dead are inside the Church, 30% are in this world going up and down like normal folks, only 10% are in the Spirit realm. 

The fury of Herod was a manifestation of a conspiracy of multitude of hosts of darkness that never wanted Salvation for the human race. Before one agent of darkness will come after you, millions and probably billions of them have held meetings against you. That one you saw is just the tip of the iceberg. For them, JESUS was never meant to happen. They hunted HIM from birth to the grave, even HIS resurrection, they wanted to cover up with money. Using money to settle and pervert the truth is not a new thing. It is a strategy older than this world. 

St. Luke 4:5-8. KJV

And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 

The strategy has never changed, Satan attempted buying JESUS too. All the wealth that has been coming to buy the Church right from the early Church till date has always been from Satan and HIS forces. It is in this area that the Church has had the greatest weakness over generations. Do you think Satan will walk into your office and say "I am Satan, take money....." you will most likely instantly die of shock or heart failure to see such. He will send his agents to destroy you with evil gifts. His emissaries are on ground to do the job. 


We all know the story of JESUS, they fought HIM until HE left. The Apostles took over after HIS departure and the Church emerged. So many moves were made against the Church to completely destroy her. Go through the book of Acts and the letters of the Apostles to see this. All manner of strategies were employed, yet the Church stood and grew, though there were many casualties among believers. The Bible ended in the book of revelations, but the operations of darkness against the Church never ceased. Persecutions and attacks continued, there are many books written concerning this. Mind you, watch the books you read, the last time I checked, I discovered the enemy too have been producing their own counterfeit Church history in books, audio and videos. Many lies abound. 

After all attempts were made, yet the Church increased and waxed stronger, the strategy changed to infiltration and cursed wealth. They joined the Church to take over from within and have been joining the Church ever since. They had 90% success. Human failure. This brought the Church to the dark ages where the light of the true Gospel was almost extinguished. No more Gospel. Total darkness. True believers vanished, the Church appeared dead and out. There were no Bibles, no true Church, no more preaching, no praises and worship, no holy living, no Salvation, etc, it was as if JESUS never happened. Yes, all this took place many generations ago. But, because, 

"The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations." 

The HOLY SPIRIT began to move once again, people began to have encounters with CHRIST in secret, the flames of Salvation began to kindle and protenstantism began to emerge. The history is quite long, the emergence of the new Church was also challenged by the fury of darkness, but they stood and spread. Let me show you why the Devil and his forces, in spite of all, have never been able to kill the Church or fully control her as they are still attempting to do. 


St. John 1:17. KJV

For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 

The true Church is a manifestation of divine grace and truth; you can never kill them. This page is part of the manifestation of that grace and truth. 

Romans 5:15. GNT

But the two are not the same, because God's free gift is not like Adam's sin. It is true that many people died because of the sin of that one man. But God's grace is much greater, and so is his free gift to so many people through the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ. 

JESUS and the Church are the free gifts of GOD. 

Colossians 1:18. KJV

And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. 

Mind you, the enemy will always succeed, as far as the Church is concerned, to capture the stubborn and disobedient believers and ministries. Yes, many fall and keep falling, due to their own errors. Some clearly heard GOD and still went ahead to disobey HIM, why won't they be captured. In spite of this, they can never totally destroy the true Church. They are still capturing more believers due to their disobedience and ignorance, so unfortunate. In the Bible, when the people and Priests disobey GOD, their enemies capture them, even though they were people of GOD, even GOD'S temples were ransacked and destroyed. Same will happen to believers, ministers and ministries that disobey GOD. This is already happening. So unfortunate. Nonetheless, GOD will always keep speaking to HIS Church. This is one of the reasons for this page. 

Therefore, under the mandate of that divine prerogative of GOD'S Mercy I write. 

Welcome to this page. The first step is to access my 15 ministry pages 

here  and  links to other pages available there. Hurry to get them all : written, videos, audios, postcards, etc, before I eventually remove them at the right time. 

Below is one of my ministry promos you can share to support the counsel of GOD and bring more people into this work. Watch the video below, also, go here to download. 


The only reason the Church exists is to save lives and deliver many from death and destruction. For her to be effective, she must function the exact way GOD wants her to function, one of the reasons for this page. We need to set the Church straight for the sake of this world (you and i). I do not claim to be an authority on Church issues, I speak from the little I know thus far. Our text will be, 

1 Corinthians 3:10. GNT

Using the gift that God gave me, I did the work of an expert builder and laid the foundation, and someone else is building on it. But each of you must be careful how you build. 

That was Apostle Paul writing to the Church to be careful how they build. He has led them to CHRIST (foundation) and raised them in the faith, now they must proceed as ministers of the Gospel to do GOD'S work (the building). The "building" here is not referring to physical structure, but conformity to the divine pattern for the Church. If it is a true work of GOD, it must conform to the divine pattern for it to do the work for which it was set up. Ask artisans, they must follow the proper pattern for what they produce to work. You don't just join wood arbitrarily and call it chair. You don't combine machines anyhow and call it car. You don't just lump up all manner of practices and call it Church. A little of occultism with a blend of fetish practices garnished with some Bible and laced with Gospel songs is not Church. Also do not mistake all the hip hop you see around called Gospel songs for praise and worship. I clearly see a subtle attempt to strip Gospel songs of their power and bring it down to the level of mere worldly entertainment, devoid of spiritual power. Strange 'Gospel' artistes with no regard for holiness are now emerging. The true Church and herbalists don't do joint prayer meeting. Reject all subtle attempts to lump us together.


The rest of that message here.

Go there and scroll to the bottom of the page. Having problems accessing it, reach me through my contacts for your own copy. 


Before we proceed, let us rise to start with worship for good reasons. This is a spirit led worship I sang. I sang in my Nigerian native language, easy to sing for non-indigenes. Ensure you sing and don't just hear. Let us intensify prayers for our Gospel artistes; they are a major target for evil attacks. I sing too. They most often fall victim since many of them don't really understand how deadly true praises and worship is to the powers and works of darkness. Some have very little or no knowledge, just singing abilities, they fall too cheaply. I wish those who wish among those still standing or upcoming, will reach out to me so we can share ideas. Go ahead and worship. Play below or click Agbara Sokale to access.


[Having problems accessing the links below or redirected elsewhere, go to tiktok  @haron_morris for all the videos]

If you are a true believer in CHRIST, walking in holiness. This is what happens when you move around that you do not see. Prayer warrior moves about. Click  to watch. 

As a true child of GOD, living holy and walking in spirit, this is what happens when you pray in spirit and in truth. Prayer warrior praying. Click on to watch 

LESSONS : They know you and they will hate you. This is why some people rise to fight you without provocation. They are either the evil spirits in human forms or people possessed by evil spirits. This is why they held series of meetings against me to destroy me (and came out physically with it), kill my ministry, including attacking my relationships and attempts to get married. Those disobedient sisters simply fell victim to their tricks and married their agents. All to get back at me. They will do all they can to quench your fire that destroys them when you praise, worship, pray or move about. They will bring sin and generational curses against you. Evil gifts another weapon of theirs. If they catch you, they will not only destroy you, they will ravage your family in retaliation. They will eventually kill you and ensure you end in hell. Never get caught. How ? Live holy, pray against evil gifts, be contented, obey GOD always even when you don't understand why, hear GOD yourself, make sacrifices unto GOD in genuine service unto GOD and giving that reach HIM, rejoice when you are made to suffer for CHRIST,  beware of evil relationships and ensure you keep growing in the knowledge of CHRIST. If you are not married, this will be a major point of target for them. Sacrifice unto GOD will deliver you.  I advice you reach out to me so we can share more ideas. They know you, they are all around you, might even be your parents. 

Furthermore, they hate the true Church. When true believers gather in holiness and in buildings built by the true sacrifice of people, this is what happens. Church under spiritual attack. Click  to watch. 

They change form, assume human shapes; old, young, poor, rich, men and women and join the Church to destroy us and if possible, take over the Church from us. This is why their first targets in Church are true fire believers. They often go after them with sin and evil gifts. They also bring their accursed properties into the Church to establish a legal presence in the Church. Once they can use accursed things to build for the Church, the fire will no more be present and they can enter the Church in large numbers. Never be deceived by gigantic and grandiose buildings, it might lack GOD'S presence. Normal services will continue, but the fire will be gone. Evil will take over. 

ASSIGNMENT: Open your Bible to

St. Mark 16:20. KJV

And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. 

Ask GOD to confirm to you all you have just read. 




Pray this prayer and mean it. 

The GOD of heaven and earth that called Apostle Tosin Oke for your work, I have decided to be one of his helpers and also an helper for the work you have placed in his hand, creator of heaven and earth show me what to do and help me to do it in JESUS NAME. 

The wise will do that


Work of GOD

Work of GOD


This is the message I promised to bring forth as I concluded a previous message titled "The Ministry That Works". The purpose of the true work of GOD are : to bring genuine salvation to people through JESUS CHRIST, bring them into personal relationship with JESUS and the fellowship of the HOLY SPIRIT, raise genuine believers in holiness and absolute obedience to GOD, set captives free, stand in the gap in prayers for people, places and things when heaven directs us to do so and ensure we represent the interest of GOD on earth. The Bible summarise our work thus, 

Ephesians 4:11-15. Living Bible Version

[11]Some of us have been given special ability as apostles; to others he has given the gift of being able to preach well; some have special ability in winning people to Christ, helping them to trust him as their Savior; still others have a gift for caring for God’s people as a shepherd does his sheep, leading and teaching them in the ways of God.

[12]Why is it that he gives us these special abilities to do certain things best? It is that God’s people will be equipped to do better work for him, building up the Church, the body of Christ, to a position of strength and maturity; 

[13]until finally we all believe alike about our salvation and about our Savior, God’s Son, and all become full-grown in the Lord—yes, to the point of being filled full with Christ.

[14]Then we will no longer be like children, forever changing our minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different or has cleverly lied to us and made the lie sound like the truth. 

[15](15-16) Instead, we will lovingly follow the truth at all times—speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly—and so become more and more in every way like Christ who is the Head of his body, the Church. Under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly, and each part in its own special way helps the other parts, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. 

Now that we understand why the Church is here, verse 15 and 16 also makes it clear that since JESUS CHRIST is the head of the Church, all true work of GOD by any name it is called, must be under HIM. This is why certain proper scriptural procedure must be strictly adhered to if the work must be under GOD and be effective. If they do not conform, then they are not under GOD. 

1. You don't just think up a Church or ministry or set up one for business out of your own fleshly desire; every work of GOD that will be under GOD must be established by direct divine instructions from HIM, else they are not under GOD. Call it any name you like, if GOD did not tell you to do it, heaven does not recognise it as their own. If heaven has told you to do it, no matter how big or small it may appear (there is actually no small work of GOD), just be faithful; heaven is with you. 

2. Now that GOD told you to do it, you don't just jump out and do it any how you like. No sir or ma. You must follow HIS direction each step of the way. The location, the plan and mode of operation must come from HIM. This is where many missed it. GOD actually called them, but they jumped out before time or went out in the flesh doing what they liked, what others said or copying others. When you operate that way, you risk being defeated by the enemy. Always remember, the work is not yours, let the owner run it. 

3. You must depend solely on HIS power and finances. Do not get so desperate for finance that you engage in ungodly things to finance the ministry. I always tell those who seek me for counsel, do only what GOD allows you to do. Don't kill yourself looking for what HE has not provided. If all HE has provided is a small place to meet, be glad and meet there, in time HE will enlarge you. Don't do anything that will drive the HOLY SPIRIT away from the work. Many, out of wanting to move very fast, have sought help in places GOD does not approve and the ministry have thus being sabotaged. 

4. Never seek power outside the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. The problem with many is that they are not always contented with the ministry GOD has given them. Many want miracles, healing, prophetic and other signs and wonders they are not gifted in. GOD knows why HE didn't give you. They want them by all means and go for evil powers to do such. This is absolutely unnecessary. If all HE has given you is teaching, prayers, Pastoring, counselling, acting, singing, helps, etc, be content with it. HE knows best. We are all one. Different parts of a body, called the body of CHRIST, staying in their places and working harmoniously. We all have different functions and abilities, all equally important. No need to feel inferior. I operate in power manifestations once in a while as the SPIRIT leads, but I teach most of the time, what I enjoy best. If the HOLY SPIRIT does not move in power manifestation, what am I waiting for; I pray simple prayer, pick my Bible and leave. HE knows best. Never force the move of the HOLY SPIRIT. 

"....Under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly, and each part in its own special way helps the other parts, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." 

When you go for evil powers to run ministry, the work is no more under GOD, those who gave you the power will run both you and the work. Stay with GOD and be faithful. GOD might not give you a crowd pulling miracle ministry to save you and your family from what you might not see. Be happy with what HE gave you. Some go further and force it. Don't give prophecy or word of knowledge in the flesh, you can expose yourself to familiar spirits. It is a big issue to say "thus saith the LORD" when HE has not spoken. We are not here to prove ourselves to anyone. You cannot solve all problems. Leave what is beyond you or refer them to other true ministers with gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT for such. All of us cannot have the same gift. The Church is a place for variety, stay in your call and gifting. Above all, stop envying those who have the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT you do not have; you might expose yourself to danger. 

5. Allow GOD to have the freedom HE needs to run the work. Give when HE asks you to, do what HE commands and leave what HE asks you to leave. Sensitivity to the HOLY SPIRIT is the key. 

Beloved, now run and do what GOD has told you to do. Need counselling, feel free to reach me. 


Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

When you pray, preach or minister deliverance to people as a true child of GOD or true servant of GOD, you are engaging forces and powers of darkness in spiritual warfare. Things happen in the spirit realm, unfortunately, you may not see these things. To let us know, many former agents, or still practicing agents, have come out to confess how the fire of prayers of the true Church has wrecked havoc on them and their kingdom. We underestimate what GOD gave us. Some of these havoc are even acted as movies we watch. We have lots of such in Nigerian and African movies. Shrines get burnt, altars burst into flames, forces of darkness are hit in large numbers, etc. Just a few of such true incidents. I will share my own experience and a few others. 


A lot of people might not know you if you are a holy and fire believer in CHRIST; but all agents of darkness know you. You see, only us have what evil forces hate the most. We speak in the name of JESUS, call fire, blood of JESUS and issue commands and it stands. One true child of GOD, might even be poor, can, in simple prayers, discomfit the hosts of darkness in large numbers. Outside the very few true children of GOD (genuinely born-again ones) no other humans have this ability. I got born-again quite early and did lots of praying. Actually, young believers  don't always know what effects their prayers have in the spirit realm. The Spirit realm in many cases might not be too far; might be chambers of darkness in your neighbourhood or home (your parents, siblings, etc, might be one of them) or even evil powers on persons near you. You might not see these things. You simply pray and go, not knowing you have awakened enemies against yourself. It was in the middle 90s. I was invited to preach somewhere, an agent came to spiritually attack me (they knew me long ago, just as they know you too), but was arrested by GOD'S power. A lot of true believers don't know the anointing you have serve dual function: to bless lives and destroy enemies, it depends on which one you unleash. One of the things she later confessed was my prayers disturbing them. She gave me an example. She told me a prayer session I had one night and mentioned the exact time I prayed. She was correct. She said while I was praying, a fire came into their meeting wreaking havoc. She was one of the few that escaped. This is why they activate their agents on ground all around us to take us down wherever they see us. You now understand why they plotted against my getting married, tried to reach me with lots of evil gifts (same they have used to destroy many true servants of GOD), moved the Church against me so as to kill my ministry, moved lies against me, try setting scandals for me, etc. 


A man of GOD, not me, went to preach somewhere, evil spirits in millions in the air attacked the plane he was in while he was returning. The blood of JESUS intervened and many of those spirits died. One of the agents that survived eventually narrated the story, widely circulated as audio and written. The man of GOD in the plane was oblivious to the happenings. 


An effigy in human shape, called "Şigidi" in my language, was sent with deadly evil powers to go and attack a true fire believer in CHRIST. It could not touch the born-again person due to divine protection, it instead returned to the powers of darkness that sent it and beat them up until they fled. 


In all neighbourhoods are personalities of darkness with evil chambers meant to wreak havoc and destroy lives. Beloved, a large percentage of the evil forces you pray against are your neighbours, some are fellow Church members. One of such agents had a power chamber of death and destruction in a neighbourhood where he lives, from there he wreck lives, cause accidents, etc. There were one or two Churches in the neighbourhood, but they could not disturb him because the members were not true believers and lacked fire. Many of the members were agents he runs. This is why evil forces like holding key offices and positions in our Churches so as to sabotage our prayers and operations. Anytime you notice a gang up within the Church against a true fire believer, just know that evil forces within the Church are in operation. When truly anointed believers are specifically being sidelined and exempted from Church activities and leadership, the enemy is around. This is why they are so desperate to replace us. If they can do away with all of true believers in CHRIST and take over prayers, worship, crusades, evangelism, Gospel drama, Christian literature, Gospel TV and radio, Healing services, Church finance, School fellowships, care and help ministries, children ministry, youth ministry, etc, as they are already doing: taking over our own through various strategies, capturing genuine fire believers and true servants of GOD to the extent of killing some, and rolling out their own fake Gospel oufits; then nobody will be left in the world to stop them from unleashing total destruction without restraint. Mark my words, they are still pretending to be born-again and invading Churches in large numbers, a temporary part of a larger plan hatched long ago. Infiltrate us to destroy us. When they are in full control and no fire believer is left standing, they will then throw away the garb of being born-again and then show clearly who they really are. Satan will then declare himself the Lord and ruler of the Church worldwide. By then, it will be too late. All true believers in CHRIST will either be dead or captured. This is why the HOLY SPIRIT is letting me make this warning available to us all. Of course, they have consistently over the years done their best to cut me off from the Church and sabotage my letters to Churches, ministries and ministers. Let me conclude the story. One day, one true fire believer came to town and joined a Church prayer meeting. His own prayers sparked flames and the agent's chamber was destroyed. This agent made several attempts to kill this true believer in CHRIST but all the attempts failed though many lives were wasted in the process. 


Those stories are just very few out of so many others, countless, in so many confessions and revelations of operations of darkness against true believers and true servants of GOD. Many of such I have posted as videos, written and audio testimonies and confessions in some of my online channels of ministry. I still marvel that these evil forces still think I am still ignorant of their devices. Actually, there is hardly any operation of evil forces against true believers in CHRIST that you will not find somewhere in books, movies and even audio and video confessions, including evil gifts as points of contact to destroy (these revelations  are just too many), yet many still get captured. I marvel at our carelessness. Watch out for the following mistakes if you will not get captured. Never make them. 

1. Never miss it in marriage. That is not as easy as you think. I strongly advice you, if still single, to ask GOD the sacrifices you must make to marry right and ensure you make them. Sacrifices unto GOD is the key. Fall on your face now and ask HIM. If they catch you through marriage, they will destroy you.

2. Stay very far away from sin and from bad company. There are many things others may do and go free, not you, you are a spiritual warrior, being hunted by devils. You cannot even tell a lie. A single lie is enough a legal ground for the enemy's arrow to hit you. If you make a mistake, ask GOD for forgiveness immediately and be safe.

3. Never make any move without consulting GOD. I pray about everything. Your enemy is everywhere, they can come from any angle you don't expect, even in little things we take for granted. Divine direction will keep you safe. Constantly ask for the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT over every issue. 

4. Never disobey GOD or run from any of HIS hard demands. All these things serve one purpose, to deliver you from unseen destruction. 

5. You must be ready to make sacrifices for GOD whenever HE demands it. Giving at the right time and as led by the SPIRIT of GOD can deliver you from many things, likewise other painful demands of GOD. Self denial can save your life.

6. Pray hard against evil gifts reaching you. A drop of evil gifts is enough to destroy you. 

7. Be contented with whatever GOD allow you to have per time. 

8. Never run ahead of GOD. Don't embark on any mission HE did not ask you to. You can never solve all problems.

9. Always be ready to pray at the slightest prompting. That might be the HOLY SPIRIT warning you of an impending danger. Not praying at that time might cost you. 

10. Pray well before seeking spiritual fatherhood or mentorship. Let GOD lead you, not greed. 

11. No matter your present state, be absolutely faithful to GOD. 

12. Don't copy others, follow only the blueprint HE gives you. 

I wish you stay safe. Need to talk, reach me. 


GOD'S servant in the midst of arrows,protected by Angels

GOD'S servant in the midst of arrows,protected by Angels

Actually, this is for true ministers of the Gospel, but we can all also learn from it. I do not intend to make this a long one. The foundation I must lay for this message to be understood has already been laid in the teaching I titled "AVOID The Curse of The LORD". No need repeating it here. Get it in the Teachings page. It is very important you first go through that message, else you may not understand this one. No need repeating it here, will make this message too long. Go and read it before proceeding.

Having done that, let's proceed. My focus are true ministers of the Gospel who make GOD'S work their job. Many are captured and destroyed, in spite of their anointing. This has been the story over generations, so sad. There are many reasons for this. A lot stem from foundational mistakes most make, selfishness and disobedience to GOD. All these I have dealt with in several of my teachings, get them. You might also want to go hear my audio messages too. Ensure you read "The Curse and The Call" and other messages of mine for true servants of GOD. Another area I want to touch that causes the crash and capture of true ministers, is what I call spiritual backlash, a major reason most true ministers eventually become victims of the same thing they preach against. Yes, for those of us who have stayed long in ministry, we have discovered that at times, the things you preach against and stand against often want to make you their victim.

Beloved, true servants of GOD, the destruction we stand up to in prayers, preaching and praises with worship in the lives of people, places and things are often spiritual laws of vengeance that will always come back to destroy those who often try to go against their work. We thank GOD who deliver us from many of these backlash because HE called and sent us. Unfortunately, many who don't know how to handle these backlash often fall victim. They can set you up in so many unimaginable ways that you will never expect or see. This is why some genuinely anointed true fire servants of GOD walk into some traps like robots. Those who jump everywhere, hitting the works of darkness everywhere and setting captives free are quite often heavy on the offensive, but very poor in the defence.


GOD knows this, this is why HE takes many through some hard experience before manifesting them. If you dare rush out, you will be destroyed. If you dodge those hard experience, you will crash one day. Why ? Those hard experience are simply designed by GOD to remove from your life things seen and unseen, known and unknown that future backlash and setups of darkness can take advantage of to destroy you. This is why those who rush don't last. The first thing backlash will look for in your life to destroy you are : character flaws in you, sin, existing generational curses not yet dealt with, personal mistakes of yours, diverse vulnerable aspects of your life like : carnal wife, bad friends, former errors, wrong mindsets, ignorance, etc. Beloved, only GOD can fix all these things in your life and it will take a process you might find painful. All these are for your good. Unfortunately, majority of those who crashed fought these process, ran for a while and then get captured. Backlash saw the things it could use in them and used it to destroy them. Some examples.

1. A young believer on fire for GOD went out to serve GOD in ministry. GOD began to train and use him. He had a bad mindset; avoid the poor, run after the rich. GOD wanted to cure him of this since that mindset will eventually destroy him. No true servant of GOD with such mindset can last, for many reasons. Helping the poor might be what you must do to escape certain destruction. Some poor people can be used by GOD for your good. GOD exposed him to some very faithful and dynamic true servants of GOD but still struggling in finances for relationship and mutual help; he despised them, rejected them and did not want to see them around him. He instead, sought out the rich men of GOD and went for them only. Some struggling Pastors that GOD directed to him for help, he ran from and even made fun of their condition. Well, he did well for a while, as long as the rich servants of GOD he was moving with were genuine too. His mindset eventually did not allow him see the trap that came in the form of certain rich ones and he was captured. Before his capture, GOD sent a true, but not rich, servant of GOD to him with some counsel that could have helped him escape the future destruction, but he treated him with disdain. Backlash worked on his weakness to destroy him. A true story.

2. A few young upcoming ministers didn't have time for knowledge. No real time of long and personal study of ministry truth and materials, ignorance became an advantage for backlash and they were destroyed. I have seen this in many. The years they were supposed to sit and study, they were jumping here and there. When setups came, they didn't have the requisite wisdom to handle it.

3. Some relationships were designed by GOD to help some, but they rejected them. What the relationships were meant to fix in their lives were not fixed. The flaws remained. Backlash saw it, took advantage of it and destroyed them.

You see, escaping future backlash starts from the foundation. Beloved, since you can never know what GOD is trying to fix in your life for your good, let HIM work. Never sabotage any foundation GOD gives you and never tell GOD "I want it now or else..." Don't run anybody's race; run only the race GOD set before you.

To escape backlash in ministry, let me copy these points I mentioned in my message titled "Avoid The Curse of The LORD".

"..Since they know the curse of the LORD should not be stood up to because of the nature of its fury, if you attempt to stand in its way, it will either kill you or join you to the destruction, they attempt to push you against it so it can kill you. You don't fight GOD'S anger or stand in its way, you instead plead for mercy.  Example : A man or woman has come under GOD'S anger, or divine judgement is at work, yet he or she is not doing what they need to do to be free and receive mercy. If you decide to intervene, you might go down with them. A major reason some prayers you pray for some people go unanswered. If the destruction leave them, it will come to you instead. We, as GOD'S true servants often escape as we quite often try to rescue people from divine fury, this is because GOD called and sent us to preach the Gospel and pray for people in spite of HIS anger in their lives. HE always protect us since HE sent us. Nonetheless, we must always be sensitive to the HOLY SPIRIT as we operate. There are times HE will tell you not to go somewhere or go do certain things, ensure you obey HIM, lest you become a casualty. Evil forces can go prove case against you to move divine fury whose work you are hindering outside GOD'S permission to kill you. A Pastor wanted to go pray for someone, GOD said "don't go", yet he went. He died on the way. I was once called to come pray for someone, but GOD restrained me and I did not go. Only GOD knows what destruction I escaped. As true servants of GOD, we need not fear, just always obey GOD since HE sent you. Others who are not servants of GOD should also not be afraid to do good and help people since GOD commanded us to.  Howbeit, the forces we are up against, by nature, will want to retaliate for destroying their works, some afflictions you go against in people's lives might also want to come after you as a backlash. To escape these, always pray against such and even cover your loved ones too since they can also be targets. There are several scriptures you can use for this purpose. Moreover, in specific instances, you might need to make certain sacrifices unto GOD to escape some backlash, if not, the destruction might hit you. Many true ministers have fallen victims of such. This is why I strongly advice that whenever you finish ministering anywhere, don't just run and spend all the money given to you; take out of it and give as sacrifice unto GOD, this can block some backlash from hitting you. Always obey GOD and do whatever HE says to do, you might be escaping a danger.  Many other mistakes can make you a casualty in this work, avoid them. Read my works. Take all you have read onto prayers."

Above all, the best way to escape backlash is to always do whatever GOD tells you to the letter. Why ? Only the HOLY SPIRIT understand the mysterious paths of backlash, always obey HIM. Many captured were not bad, they were simply victims of backlash. 




2 Peter 2:20. RSV
For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overpowered, the last state has become worse for them than the first.

This is another one for true ministers of the Gospel, few in number amongst an extremely large population of many claiming to be servants of GOD. Please study the message ESCAPE BACKLASH, before you continue; also serves as a foundation for this one.

The scriptures above makes it clear that it is possible to become victims of the very same thing you once preached against or stood against. Some believers also backside, the Bible calls it "....going back to your vomit". Over generations, we have seen many true ministers of the Gospel becoming victims of this.

"..they are again entangled in them and overpowered,...."

The word "overpowered" tells us that those very same things you were once delivered from or you now preach and stand against have a vengeful nature that devise diverse entanglement strategies to get you or look for all ways possible to overpower your Will and spiritual strength to make you their victim. True servants of GOD will always notice that quite often, the very same things you preach against come after you. You preach against sexual immorality and all of a sudden, all manner of sexual attacks, arrows and seduction come after you. Lustful souls start taking special interest in you. Most true ministers of the Gospel can identify with that.  You preach against bad marriage, divorce, etc. Immediately, you begin to see diverse moves to break up your marriage.  You preach love and peace and suddenly, quarrelsome people and diverse provocations start making you their target. For your information, holiness preaching Churches have the largest number of anti holiness agents posing as members. They are drawn by the message of holiness. Never trust all those scarf tying and gentle mien you see in many Churches, extremely few are genuine.  You preach integrity and all manner of attempts to turn you to a thief start coming after you. You cast out devils and evil Spirits start making attempts to possess your body. Other examples abound. This is the nature of the evil we preach and pray against. It will always want to make you its own victim. Unfortunately, they sometimes succeed due to certain errors on the part of genuine ministers and believers. This is one major reason these evil entitles are always so bold and so daring to come after true and fire ministers who stand for righteousness, often in a reckless manner, as if the normal thing is for you to one day wake up and throw the Bible away, forgetting all you have ever preached or stood for. You can't blame them, they have been around for long, and have seen many stronger than you crash into their hands. Turning you into that very same thing you stand against is one of  the things they desire most. Many will join your Church or ministry or do all they can to befriend you simply to achieve that goal. This is why true servants of GOD who preach against occultism and their practices must stay far away from occultism. Also, watch those who suddenly claim to renounce occultism to join your Church; they might be on a revenge mission. Some have started with CHRIST and ended in Satan. Some who once stood for CHRIST have ended up serving the devil. Many deliverance ministers have ended up as habitation of devils. Several Churches and ministries they once dare not go near because of their fire have ended up as their operations bases where they even run things. Many true ministers bodies, over generations, they have either possessed or taken over and use to their full satisfaction for all manner of evil purposes before killing and sending them to hell. When it comes to sexual immorality, they, over generations, have succeeded in making many true servants of GOD their victims; the list of their various achievements against the Church is quite long. They started operating right from when the Church started immediately JESUS left, even the early Church had casualties too. The letters of the Apostles is filled with several examples of this. Beloved, many you call fake ministers of the Gospel today, using evil powers to run Church or ministry, were once genuinely born-again and called true servants of GOD living holy and on fire for GOD. They eventually became their agents establishing fake 'Churches ' for them and being used to destroy lives.

Well, the true Church too have done much damage to their kingdom and set many of their captives free. A large population of true servants of GOD have also ended well after so many attempts to capture and destroy them failed. All glory to GOD. This is one major reason they go after, with all they've got, quite spiritually strong and heavily anointed true ministers of the Gospel; they cannot stand you ending well after setting their captives free. Their success embolden them the more saying, "if we can get this one, no one else can escape us...." they reason with so much boldness. Over the years, I have discovered that they have a fixed mindset "we can buy or catch anybody ". I don't blame them, they have seen things. Some ministers of the Gospel have insulted JESUS and say all manner of abominable things to GOD just because of the wealth they offered them. May GOD have mercy. Their level of boldness and conviction that they will always have their way with true ministers of the Gospel, no matter how close you are to GOD, is what makes them feel terribly insulted when they come after you and you escape. They offer you sin and death and you reject it, they feel insulted and take it personal; "...who does he think he is,.....", etc.   That statement and many more they have said about me. I understand where they are coming from, I see it around. They have, over generations, had collaborators from among true servants of GOD they bought or captured, thus they expect you to do the same as a logical thing for them. So unfortunate !

Well, let's see how you as a true servant of GOD still standing can escape becoming a victim of the above sorry story. May you not go down the same way others went down. Take note of the following points that can help you.

1. One of their winning cards to capture many true ministers is that they understand the spiritual laws you are up against and how to play them against you. When you go into missions and assignments GOD did not ask you to do, they will capture you. When you disobey GOD, they will capture you. When you lack knowledge, they will capture you. When you avoid making sacrifices for GOD and are unwilling to deny yourself for HIM, they will capture you. Why ? Beloved, the captivities you go against in people's lives and in places, have a life of their own and will always want to execute vengeance on you. This is why you must never make any of the mistakes just mentioned to stay safe. If GOD sent you, HE will keep you. If you go on your own, you will be captured. If you jump ahead of GOD, you will crash. Don't think the enemy will not know you have missed GOD. Once you miss GOD, they know; they move in and the rest is easy. If you can't wait, they will capture you. If you abort, along your rising in ministry, any process GOD put you through, they will one day capture you simply because some flaws will still be in you that they can work with to destroy you. If you are selfish by nature, you are already captured. 

2. If you do not pay attention to whatever GOD is pointing at in you for remedy and work on it in prayers, it becomes a seed in you they can work with to capture you.

3. If, each time you move out in ministry, you do not return to GOD in humility and prayers, receiving HIS warnings and obeying HIM instantly, no matter how hard, you will be captured.

4. If you do not take care of your state of heart before GOD and ensure you have a faithful and perfect heart before HIM always, you will be captured.

LORD, do all you must do in my life to ensure I never become a victim of darkness. I yield my Will to you accordingly.  Only give me the grace to obey and walk with you always. All these I ask in JESUS NAME.

If you have made mistakes or missed your way, you still have the chance to make amends. Do it fast, delay might be dangerous.

• This work blessing you, why not reach out to me with your support. We might also rub minds and share ideas. Thanks. 

Spiritual Defence in Ministry

One of my message for ministers of the Gospel, divided into A and B. Access here and here or play below 


Minister and Members

Minister and Members

I have several teachings as led by the HOLY SPIRIT. There are some of my teachings that are specifically for true ministers of the Gospel only. This is one of them. I have several others, get them all. Some are in video, while others are in audio. I have been releasing them for years, they are in circulation, if you have them share them. Now, settle down comfortably and digest this message, it cannot be ignored if you do not wish your ministry to become your destruction.

A man of GOD is called to minister to people, but must be ONLY AS LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD in his own best interest. Certain wisdom must also come to play when it comes to ministering to people if your ministering to them will not bring destruction into your life. Even though GOD called and sent you, never forget that no matter the level of your anointing and the weight of the compassion on you, you cannot solve all problems. In your own best interest, leave any case GOD is not ready to solve through you. As you relate with people and also minister to them, never forget this wisdom in the Bible. A wisdom true ministers who lived before you and ended well strictly adhered to.

Luke 4:25-27. AMP
But in truth I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heavens were closed up for three years and six months, so that there came a great famine over all the land; And yet Elijah was not sent to a single one of them, but only to Zarephath in the country of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow. [I Kings 17:1, 8-16; 18:1.] And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and yet not one of them was cleansed [by being healed]–but only Naaman the Syrian. [II Kings 5:1-14.]


There were many starving to death all around, many leprous all around, but they kept quiet and minded their own business until they were instructed to minister only to specific ones. GOD saw many in bondage, yet sent them to only a few people. Any true servant of GOD who violate this rule will definitely be destroyed, just as many have been. Why ? There are deadly spiritual laws you must not violate as you minister to people either as congregation, ministry workers, spiritual sons and daughters, protégé, etc. These are some of the people who will come around you to receive from your anointing.

1. Those ready to obey GOD, receive instructions and do that which they must do according to GOD'S Word to be free. They will be willing to make necessary sacrifices unto GOD to receive their blessings. When you minister to such, they receive their blessings effortlessly and have great testimonies. You hardly become a victim of evil backlash when you minister to these kind of people. Unfortunately, such people are extremely few in numbers among thousands who throng our Churches and programmes. The reason you will not become a victim of evil backlash when you minister to such is because their obedience and sacrifices unto GOD has already activated divine Mercy for them, when you minister to them, you are covered by that Mercy and no evil will befall you for doing so.

2. The second group seeking your ministry are the stubborn and hardened ones. They need help truly and you feel compassion for them, but they are very disobedient and are not willing to make the needed sacrifices unto GOD to be free. Pray all you can for them, heaven might not deliver them in your own best interest. The reasons are these : some of the afflictions in their lives are consequences of either the evil deeds of those who gave birth to them or their own evil deeds; for them to be free, they need to seek for GOD'S Mercy and might also need to do certain restitution including some sacrifices unto GOD which might make them deny themselves. If they cannot do these, GOD'S anger remains on them, any prayer you pray for them is a waste of time and if you persist, the anger of GOD on them can destroy you. You might end up carrying their affliction. This is why in a big programme, only handfuls of people are actually touched by GOD'S power. A wise minister will simply stop where GOD stops and take his leave. Beloved, the hearts of many we minister to are very evil though they tend to pretend a lot around us. GOD sees their hearts and knows those HE will bless and those HE will not, just go with HIM and do not attempt to break the yokes GOD is not ready to break. Many are carrying deadly curses, yet not willing to sacrifice anything for GOD to be free, they only want blessings from you out of a selfish heart; if you stubbornly persist against divine instruction to minister to them, the curses on their lives will crush you. This is what destroyed many true servants of GOD. They went beyond their bounds in ministering to people. Here are two of my experience on this point.


I was about to pray for someone when GOD stopped me. As I started praying, GOD said, "don't pray, this case requires serving me sacrificially or else nothing will change in this person's life.......". I simply stopped at that point, delivered the message, advised the person accordingly and left. This does not happen in all cases. Only GOD knows what HE saw. If the person obeys, there will not be the need for much prayers before breakthrough will come. If not, any man of GOD praying on the case is wasting his time. Many disobey, run from the true man of GOD, go elsewhere where the ignorant will jump into their case risking GOD'S anger on themselves too. This is how many ministers have carried other people's troubles and get destroyed.


Another person once came for counselling and told me some very pathetic stories. It was so touching that out of compassion, any true servant of GOD will begin to vibrate in prayers to set them free. Having this understanding, I checked with the HOLY SPIRIT and was held back from praying immediately. I asked the person to go so I can pray about the case before we proceed. During that period of waiting for me, the person went about serving GOD in so many ways and was very obedient to instructions in spite of the present challenges in the person's life. GOD saw all these and asked me to return to the case. Until GOD gave me the go ahead, I never went back to the issue, though it was quite touching. GOD then gave me the revelation of what caused the problem and the solution. The moment I sent for the person to see me so I can handle the matter,  something happened. I saw in a vision, a mad man like creature rising ferociously against me. I understood. That was the generational curse dispatched to destroy that person and whoever wish to deliver the person trying to come after me. That curse was responsible for the situation. Some forces sent it. They already knew I was on to the case and dispatched it after me. Their usual practice anytime you wish to set their captives free. Careless ministers, just jumping into cases anyhow without proper divine direction often end up as casualties. As I saw this, the HOLY SPIRIT told me "that is the curse at work, but it cannot touch you because that person had received mercy for the case to be addressed based on the services rendered unto GOD and mercy received thus far. Meanwhile, other instructions must be given and must be obeyed for the person to be totally delivered.....". Outside that divine instruction, it would have been a risk for me to touch the case. I simply prayed some prayers, did a few things according to scriptural instructions and then proceeded to address the matter. I was safe.

You get my point, anointing is just about 10% of what you need to run ministry effectively and last. Unfortunately that constitute 90% of topic at ministers conferences. Discernment, divine wisdom, humility, obedience, personal sacrifices unto GOD as defence, and many more are imperatives if you will minister effectively and last in ministry. If I had jumped into all those cases and operate anyhow outside divine instruction, I could have trapped myself. A man of GOD once visited me. As we spoke, GOD told me to tell him to sow a seed into my life immediately. I told him and he obeyed immediately. I had no idea he just prayed for a man with an affliction that day before coming to see me. He must have crossed a line because an arrow hit him after praying for the man who was delivered after he prayed. His body was already showing signs of discomfort before he visited me. While he was with me it was getting worse but he did not tell me and I also had no idea something was wrong with him. GOD knew, he needed to make that sacrifice for the affliction to leave him. The moment he obeyed me, the affliction left him. He noticed this and told me what happened to him. Thank GOD he obeyed. He was free.

The hand of GOD was heavy on Elijah, but the widow of Zarephath needed to make that sacrifice for her and her son to be delivered from famine. Go and read the story. Thank GOD she obeyed. Elijah saw the famine everywhere, even him would have been affected if not for GOD'S supernatural provision for him, yet did nothing to stop it, in spite of the power of GOD on his life. The famine was a curse on the land. GOD HIMSELF shut the heaven against rain. When it is a curse, sacrifice unto GOD must be available for it to lift. If all others had done what the widow did, they too would have escaped the famine. GOD knew they will not obey therefore HE did not send Elijah to them. Imagine Elijah going to pray for them out of pride or outside divine instruction, he would have failed or get destroyed in the process. The curse could have even make them kill him. This is  why you must always check with GOD before proceeding in any ministry or ministration lest you trap yourself. When you are trying your best to help or deliver some people and they are busy fighting you to rebel or destroy you; a curse is at work to keep them in bondage. Only sacrifices unto GOD can deliver them; if they will not make the needed sacrifices unto GOD, let them be in your own interest, remember, some have been killed by the same people they were trying to help.

Same for the leprosy army officer sent to Elisha. Elisha did not even come out to see him. The man must do what he was told to do or else the leprosy will not leave him. In his case, GOD did not tell him to sow a seed. In fact, GOD told Elisha not to take anything from him. Elisha's servant who disobeyed carried the man's leprosy. Go and read the story man of GOD and begin to check with heaven before ministering to people or take from them. GOD had told me on several occasions to give to those I ministered to; not take from them, but give to them. How interesting. GOD knows best, just obey HIM. I have paid for and given to many I ministered to without taking a penny from them. In other cases HE asked me to take. The story of Elisha and Naaman the leper tells us that as a man of GOD you must be very careful and prayerful as far as gifts is concerned.


I have gone on ministrations with GOD telling me to give to the man of GOD inviting me before I begin to minister. Some times I give before ministration, other times I give during or after ministration. I hardly minister without giving, a potent spiritual force of defence. Practice it. It works !

3. The third group that comes for your ministry are enemies out to destroy you. They also come appearing sincere seeking ministry. Some are sent or being used without them even suspecting they are being used to destroy you. Yes, people, even believers and fellow ministers can be used to destroy you. Some will come as Church or ministry members, friends, spiritual sons or spiritual fathers, etc, all to destroy you. It is always a risk to company with believers or ministers who live in sin, compromise with darkness, are not straightforward, very crafty, lack good manners, are easily manipulated, are greedy, disobedient to GOD, etc, yet not ready to do the needful to change; such can be used by evil forces to destroy you.


Don't argue with me, I write from a background of deep experience. I have seen true believers and ministers being moved against me, though they are also anointed. Carnal believers or ministers are always available instruments in the hands of darkness. Never allow yourself become a weapon in the hands of darkness to use you against fellow believers or true ministers.

Study the above diligently, it will keep you safe as a minister. Feel free to reach me if necessary, I will be glad to hear from you. Above all, take all you have read into prayers. Stay blessed. 


Something for all true ministers,  a template you might want to use. Access here or play below.




This is a message i direct to true ministers and believers in CHRIST. As true believers in CHRIST, we belong to GOD and should have nothing to do with initiation into the occult. The occult is opposed to CHRIST, though often clothe their operations as of GOD on many occasions. The only covenant we are supposed to have as believers in CHRIST is the new covenant we enter through the blood of JESUS. The other permitted covenant is marriage covenant you enter into with your spouse, even this must not violate the standards of GOD'S Word. Anything fetish or idolatry must NOT be part of the marriage rites of a believer in CHRIST. GOD clearly forbids us to ever have anything to do with fetish, voodoo or occult practices. All these the Bible calls the works of darkness. No fetish or occult property must be in your possession also. 

Ephesians 5:11-12. AMP 

Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but instead [let your lives be so in contrast as to] expose and reprove and convict them. For it is a shame even to speak of or mention the things that [such people] practice in secret. 

The secret practices of such are what no believer must ever be part of. No occult power operates outside blood, etc. The true believer belong to GOD and must operate by the name of JESUS, the Word of GOD and the power of the HOLY SPIRIT only. Initiation into the occult makes you swear allegiance to other powers opposed to GOD, if you stray into that, you no more belong to GOD. You cannot be in the occult and still claim to belong to GOD. Let me say this, anyone who get involved in fetish, voodoo or occult practises instantly get possessed. I have seen these happen to believers and it begins to manifest in their character. How do you explain a man of GOD attacking you on phone for acting on his own suggestion to promote the work of GOD including his own. Makes no sense, another spirit has taken over. When true servants of GOD begin to attack and do all they can to destroy other true works of GOD they ought to defend and support, another spirit has taken over. Many of you think it is only those things that look fetish in appearance that are evil charms, yes they are, but they also have charms they fashion to look good to bewitch people. Evil charms can be fashioned like money, cars, clothes, equipment and several other good things and given to people, including believers; all these instantly open you up to evil spirits invading your life. Many believers and true ministers were busy collecting deadly charms to destroy them, while thinking they were collecting gifts as money and other things. Those things were produced in the spirit world and brought into the world, they were not produced through the normal process here on earth. Not everything and everyone that looks good is good. Bad can be given a good appearance to deceive you. 

2 Corinthians 6:17-18. NKJV

Therefore “Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.” “I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty.” 

What is unclean? If it is not in line with what the scriptures permit, not in line with holiness, purity and faithfulness unto GOD; it is unclean, such things can destroy true believers and servants of GOD. 

Do not think the occult respect this clearly spelt out scriptural boundaries for true believers and ministers of the Gospel; far from it. The Church is always their major target for initiation. This has been their practice since the early Church and they have over generations till date have huge success. The more committed you are to GOD, the more desperate they are to initiate you. Let's look at some ways they can still initiate you, even though you are born-again. 

1. If you are from occult background that have been initiating people, i mean those who gave birth to you have used initiation to destroy lives, you can be targeted for initiation. If you do not go before GOD in prayers to renounce all these over your life, even though you are now born-again, and begin to sacrificially serve GOD in all the ways HE ask you to, they might end up capturing you for initiation one day. 

2. If you do not pray selfishness out of your life and be a giver unto GOD so as to prosper, they can unleash so much poverty and frustration against you to the extent that hunger will drive you into occultism out of frustration. Better go on your knees now and ask GOD to remove all manner of selfishness from your life. Be a giver, it will save you. 

3. Your greed and love of money can still end up making you sell your soul. Pray all greed out of your life. If you are the type easily deceived by flashy things and flashy lifestyle you see in people, not knowing the source of their wealth, you will one day end up being initiated. Pray now that GOD will remove such weakness from your life.......TO BE CONCLUDED.  Also the complete message here  scroll down page




I hope you have been following my teachings on the Church, it will help you understand this message. We treat many things perfunctorily simply because we fail to grasp what is at stake, the enormity of the issue at hand. This is clearly seen in the way many of us handle issues that concerns the true Church. Just a brief summary of what GOD do through the true Church and HIS true servants. 

The forces of darkness responsible for all the death and diverse destruction ravaging individuals, family, places and nations are very methodical and calculating in their operations. They must do what they have been doing even before JESUS came; they were, they are and will continue the same way till the world end. They get alerted and go after you immediately you are born into the world. They are always behind the scene orchestrating anything contrary to good happening anywhere at any moment. Forget all other explanations. No overspeeding is crashing cars, no murder by mistake, no accidental death, no suicide by personal decision, etc, those explanations are just cover ups. They sit and plan it all. I don't want to go into the how of their operations, they are too much for this short message. There are countless spirits human eyes cannot see roaming everywhere and living inside people, at work 24/7 to cause death and destruction of all forms and of all kind. There are multitude of evil Chambers and power houses in every street and many homes where all manner of wickedness are orchestrated every minute. The list is inexhaustible. This is a curse on the world. Imagine GOD leaving us alone without any form of divine intervention. Just think about it. Imagine this world with the level of death and destruction raised to infinity without any help. Start with psychiatric houses, prisons, hospitals, mortuaries, etc and Imagine it getting worse. Go online and research video documentaries of those examples above. Well, GOD did not leave us alone. He constantly counter the operations of these dark powers through the true Church as HE raises men and women as HIS Servants, anointed by HIM to check evil powers and set countless captives free. Evil forces are strategic. They unleash specific global destruction stage by stage and season by season according to their own calendar of operations. Any move they make, GOD counter by raising servants of GOD HE specifically anoint against that operation. Example. In 1910, evil forces released a plague over portions of South Africa, in less than a month, one quarter of the entire population had died. GOD stepped in and anointed John G Lake, the father of the Apostolic Church, with a very heavy healing anointing that healed many, checking the "wipe out the country by plague" evil forces intended. In fact, many healing ministries rose up all over the world within a specific 100 years period (1800- the late 1980s....) to stop evil forces from killing everybody in the world through various epidemic. Just go online and research this and see what the true Church and true servants of GOD has done to save countless lives. Remember the black plague 

BLACK DEATH; BLACK PLAGUE: the epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe. 

Yes, nearly half the people of Western Europe were killed. Research the history of plagues online. You have no idea what this world has gone through. Also research healing ministries over several generations and see how true servants of GOD raised by GOD always rise to stem the tide of death and destruction. 

Africa, India and other parts of the world, used to be the home of rituals and human sacrifice. Countless souls in Africa have been killed, beheaded, cannibalised over generations as sacrifice. Many died horrible death. Many buried alive either to appease deities, as punishments or for money rituals. Many communities do it every month, some every year, etc. The custom judgement of many royal courts was beheading. Human parts litter jungles people are forbidden to enter. Go online and research medieval torture instruments. Women sit naked on sharp blades and ripped from genital to their head alive. Many burnt alive, etc. What if GOD did not raise the true Church to step in and stem the tide, many true servants of GOD lost their lives in the process. The Gospel stopped many wickedness. 


You see, each time the hordes of darkness move in various ways, heaven always counter them through true servants of GOD raised to check their operations. The holiness move of the 60s came when evil forces wanted to unleash on the world an ocean of iniquity and sexual immorality. The fiery holiness messages of the 60s that even went to the extreme was allowed by GOD. It saved the world from many things. All your tight fitting trousers women wear started from the marine kingdom as part of an agenda to promote sexual immorality. Let our women return to your proper decent women wears. Some clothes are just not proper for women, throw them away. Stop promoting the agenda of sexual immorality. 

The prayer move stopped many operations of darkness worldwide. Many fire ministers were sent into the world by GOD to teach and lead prayers against diverse operations of darkness. Heaven taught them prayer points never heard before. Prayer camps began to rise all over the world. Books on prayer started circulating globally. We also had many ministries that specialised in deliverance and casting out of devils. Many mad were delivered. There is hardly any aspect of evil operations on earth that heaven does not raise HIS true ministers to counter. You have no idea how much help this has been for the world. 

Evil forces got tired of us and decided to put an end to the true interventions of the Church through diverse strategies including taking over the true Church globally, package shrines that look like Church to continue their evil activities while you all call it revival. Do not be deceived by the noise you see and hear called 'Church' today, you have no idea how far they have gone. Fall on your face NOW and cry to GOD, 


Do not continue without praying that prayer. All true servants of GOD globally are their target. Any true believer with fire is their target. My ministry have come under the most ferocious attack, even to the extent of sabotaging all my attempts to get married till date. They were determined and didn't hide it. Why ? They glimpsed my ministry, even the one not yet done. All other reasons for their attacks are lies. They are real devils in human forms. 

You now understand why they must not succeed, we must pray, sacrifice and do all we can to help the Church to stand and be all GOD wants her to be. I have some assignments in the Announcement and Testimonies page, run and do them all. Moreover, begin to seek GOD'S face concerning what you must do to ensure I succeed in ministry. Pray NOW ! 


Also, if you have ever received ministry, word, understanding, miracles, etc from the ministry of any true servant of GOD who is genuine, tell GOD he or she has been a blessing to you and therefore you plead for Mercy for them. Pray NOW ! 

𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐤𝐞. 



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