

Prophetic Watch [Background image Instagram  @gregorydreams]

Prophetic Watch [Background image Instagram @gregorydreams]

Apostle Tosin Oke 


Welcome to this page devoted to sharing divine revelations based on GOD'S word,the Bible,to interpret events on earth and show us the way of escape.A mercy ministry of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. 

2 Peter 1:19-20.Living Bible Version.

[19]So we have seen and proved that what the prophets said came true. You will do well to pay close attention to everything they have written, for, like lights shining into dark corners, their words help us to understand many things that otherwise would be dark and difficult. But when you consider the wonderful truth of the prophets’ words, then the light will dawn in your souls and Christ the Morning Star will shine in your hearts. 

[20](20-21) For no prophecy recorded in Scripture was ever thought up by the prophet himself. It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men who gave them true messages from God. 

Prophets differ in the way they operate, according to the gifts of GOD in them.Some give predictions with date and time (I hardly do such thus far),some sound warnings and alert people to coming danger and disasters, some use their prophetic abilities to perform miracles.Not all miracles come by laying of hands,some miracles require you obey specific divine instructions or take certain actions for them to come to pass.Examples : Elisha's cutting a stick and throwing it into the water so an axe head that fell into it could float,JESUS mixing HIS spit with sand and applying it to a blind man's eyes so that HE can see,a prophet in the book of Acts binding his own hands and feet to give prophecy of coming bondage for Apostle Paul,etc. Those are prophetic operations for miracles. Unfortunately,many condemn things they don't understand.Also note there are fake prophets too who abuse these things.Be careful. Prophetic operations will never violate GOD'S word and HIS standard of holiness and purity. 

An example: true men and women of GOD must always minister as led by the Spirit of GOD as we read in verses 20 and 21 above,NOT BY COPYING OTHERS.No ministry style is superior to another.Some shout while others speak calmly,one style is not superior to another.Speaking gently is not latter rain while speaking loudly is former rain.The way you minister is determined by how GOD wants to use you,full stop.One man once had issues with me simply because I don't preach like his Pastor does.To continue my example,once in a while the HOLY SPIRIT might lead you to minister in unusual manners for reasons best known to HIM.This has happened to me on certain occasions,not every time.One day while ministering,HE asked me to lay handkerchief on people and the result was like bomb explosion. On other occasions,HE might simply ask you to pray and go,it all depends on what HE wants. 

I do not occupy the office of a Prophet,I am an Apostle,though prophetic operations manifest in me once in a while as the Spirit leads. Apostles who operate prophetically,most often use the word of GOD they expound to interpret events and show us the way of escape. 

"...You will do well to pay close attention to everything they have written, for, like lights shining into dark corners, their words help us to understand many things that otherwise would be dark and difficult...." 

This is what this page is devoted to. There is hardly anything that has ever happened in this world,happening in this world or will ever happen that the scriptures cannot reveal. Everything have been clearly spelt out in the Bible,if only GOD will show you.Whatever HE allows us to know will be shared in this page. This is not a page for politics (for me, all political parties are the same,only name differ) nor to join anybody's territorial tussles,men of GOD have no business in territorial tussles,we are emissaries of divine mercy on earth to bring peace in the midst of chaos.If you are a true man of GOD,no matter the financial gain,let no one use you for any other purpose. Those who bring true men and women of GOD through diverse strategies into the unholy and bloodshed 'games' they play in this world are violating major laws.Divine Mercy sent us for peace,not for war;let us be. 

Romans 14:17-19.Living Bible Version.

For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. 

Unfortunately,merchants of death and destruction will not like us.If possible, they want us to join them.Be wise ! 

Well,keep watch here and see what HE will say to us. 

"...But when you consider the wonderful truth of the prophets’ words, then the light will dawn in your souls and Christ the Morning Star will shine in your hearts..."

Activating Divine Might [image Instagram  @ai.twofull]

Activating Divine Might [image Instagram @ai.twofull]


Many things happened in the days Bible events took place. A lot of death and destruction, always heralded by warnings from prophets the people refused to heed. Habakkuk was one of such prophets. When things became very bad, heaven gave the prophets  several strategies to bring succour and revival. One of such is the song of Habakkuk below. We can't sing it since we don't know which music keys and sound to apply, but we can read it aloud to GOD. Same result. Why ? One way to mitigate unfavourable circumstances is to follow Bible examples for doing such. You can't completely obliterate death and destruction, since many never repent, nonetheless, we can activate divine might to interrupt evil events and invasions. One of such strategies is the song of Habakkuk. Don't take the books preceding Matthew for granted (not all are old testament), they are filled with prophetic moves many do not understand, including me. Prophetic moves are strange ways of divine operation that even the prophets did not understand. They simply spoke and operated as led by the HOLY SPIRIT. 

2 Peter 1:21.KJV

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 

They spoke of many things even they did not understand. This litters the landscape of the prophets who had no idea what they were talking about. Daniel spoke of future and millennial events he had no idea of, nor could ever imagine. David wrote of a future Messiah he couldn't have thought of in his wildest imagination. Moses operated in strange manners. Don't let me digress. I am still trying to unravel them also. The rule is this, if things were bad in the land and the prophets operated in a particular way to bring succour, if you do same, in line with divine leading, you get the same result. The content of the song focuses on : awakening divine might, mercy and help, calling for revival, moving heaven with praise, bringing judgement upon evildoers, etc. Well, GOD cannot deny HIS word, if it is in the Bible, it is still as efficacious as it was back then. It will produce the result it spoke about.  

Wherever you are in the world, go where you can be alone, hit the floor now (kneel, stand, lie down, sit, any position okay for you) and become prophet Habakkuk as you prayerfully read the following to GOD seven times. Start from verse 2. You are now Habakkuk. 

Habakkuk 3:1-8,10-16. Living Bible Version

[1]This is the prayer of triumph that Habakkuk sang before the Lord:

[2]O Lord, now I have heard your report, and I worship you in awe for the fearful things you are going to do. In this time of our deep need, begin again to help us, as you did in years gone by. Show us your power to save us. In your wrath, remember mercy.

[3]I see God moving across the deserts from Mount Sinai. His brilliant splendor fills the earth and sky; his glory fills the heavens, and the earth is full of his praise! What a wonderful God he is! 

[4]From his hands flash rays of brilliant light. He rejoices in his awesome power.

[5]Pestilence marches before him; plague follows close behind. 

[6]He stops; he stands still for a moment, gazing at the earth. Then he shakes the nations, scattering the everlasting mountains and leveling the hills. His power is just the same as always! 

[7]I see the people of Cushan and of Midian in mortal fear.

[8](8-9) Was it in anger, Lord, you smote the rivers and parted the sea? Were you displeased with them? No, you were sending your chariots of salvation! All saw your power! Then springs burst forth upon the earth at your command!

[10]The mountains watched and trembled. Onward swept the raging water. The mighty deep cried out, announcing its surrender to the Lord.

[11]The lofty sun and moon began to fade, obscured by brilliance from your arrows and the flashing of your glittering spear.

[12]You marched across the land in awesome anger and trampled down the nations in your wrath. 

[13]You went out to save your chosen people. You crushed the head of the wicked and laid bare his bones from head to toe. 

[14]You destroyed with their own weapons those who came out like a whirlwind, thinking Israel would be an easy prey.

[15]Your horsemen marched across the sea; the mighty waters piled high. 

[16]I tremble when I hear all this; my lips quiver with fear. My legs give way beneath me, and I shake in terror. I will quietly wait for the day of trouble to come upon the people who invade us.

Reconstructing Spiritual Defence

Reconstructing Spiritual Defence



We are taking from the operations of the prophets in the Bible days to learn and adjust. We can model their spiritual warfare strategies to apply in our own day to day activities as appropriate. Let me first clarify a point. Before JESUS came, the focus was more on Israel as a nation. The new testament has changed that. All of us who believe in CHRIST are the people of GOD and every nation is accepted by GOD. Most of the prophets in the Bible days were sent to Israel, but now GOD sends us to everyone and every nation on earth. The Bible records also addressed issues that concerned other nations, GOD even allowed many of them to become strong. As we read the prophets, you will see GOD'S dealings with Israel back then, this models the way GOD deals with people till today. HE pronounced judgement on other nations too for disobeying HIM. The prayers of many of the prophets back then, was for the deliverance of Israel from destruction. This is why you see Israel mentioned in many of the Bible passages. Those prayers, today, can also be used by all nations, tribe and tongue for their own deliverance. Just put your name or the name of your country where proper, that is all. 


We are only using those Bible prayers that were used back then for our own good wherever we are in the world, just put your own name or that of your country where applicable. Full stop. All of us are welcome before GOD. 


The scriptures below was an instance when GOD pronounced judgement on Israel for many reasons stated, even the Priests were involved (verses 25, 26 and 28), the 'Church' then compromised. You see, GOD'S character is constant. The same judgement applies to all who do same, irrespective of tribe or tongue. Let us learn from this. Please take your time to diligently go through the scriptures below line by line.  

Ezekiel 22:1-18,21-31. Living Bible Version.

[1]Now another message came from the Lord. He said:

[2]“Son of dust, indict Jerusalem as the City of Murder. Publicly denounce her terrible deeds. 

[3]City of Murder, doomed and damned—City of Idols, filthy and foul—

[4]you are guilty both of murder and idolatry. Now comes your day of doom. You have reached the limit of your years. I will make you a laughingstock and a reproach to all the nations of the world. 

[5]Near and far they will mock you, a city of infamous rebels.

[6]“Every leader in Israel who lives within your walls is bent on murder. 

[7]Fathers and mothers are contemptuously ignored; immigrants and visitors are forced to pay you for your ‘protection’; orphans and widows are wronged and oppressed. 

[8]The things of God are all despised; my Sabbaths are ignored. 

[9]Prisoners are falsely accused and sent to their death. Every mountaintop is filled with idols; lewdness is everywhere. 

[10]There are men who commit adultery with their fathers’ wives and lie with menstruous women.

[11]Adultery with a neighbor’s wife, a daughter-in-law, a half sister—this is common. 

[12]Hired murderers, loan racketeers, and extortioners are everywhere. You never even think of me and my commands,” the Lord God says.

[13]“But now I snap my fingers and call a halt to your dishonest gain and bloodshed. 

[14]How strong and courageous will you be then, in my day of reckoning? For I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will do all that I have said. 

[15]I will scatter you throughout the world and burn out the wickedness within you. 

[16]You will be dishonored among the nations, and you shall know I am the Lord.”

[17]Then the Lord said this:

[18](18-20) “Son of dust, the people of Israel are the worthless slag left when silver is smelted. They are the dross, compounded from the brass, the tin, the iron, and the lead. Therefore the Lord God says: ‘Because you are worthless dross, I will bring you to my crucible in Jerusalem, to smelt you with the heat of my wrath. 

[21]I will blow the fire of my wrath upon you, 

[22]and you will melt like silver in fierce heat, and you will know that I, the Lord, have poured my wrath upon you.’”

[23]Again the message of the Lord came to me, saying:

[24]“Son of dust, say to the people of Israel: ‘In the day of my indignation you shall be like an uncleared wilderness or a desert without rain.’ 

[25]Your ‘prophets’ have plotted against you like lions stalking prey. They devour many lives; they seize treasures and extort wealth; they multiply the widows in the land. 

[26]Your priests have violated my laws and defiled my Temple and my holiness. To them the things of God are no more important than any daily task. They have not taught my people the difference between right and wrong, and they disregard my Sabbaths, so my holy name is greatly defiled among them. 

[27]Your leaders are like wolves, who tear apart their victims, and they destroy lives for profit. 

[28]Your ‘prophets’ describe false visions and speak false messages they claim are from God, when he hasn’t spoken one word to them at all. Thus they repair the walls with whitewash! 

[29]Even the common people oppress and rob the poor and needy and cruelly extort from aliens. 

All the above similar to what we have today. Now, pay special attention to the last two verses. 

[30]“I looked in vain for anyone who would build again the wall of righteousness that guards the land, who could stand in the gap and defend you from my just attacks, but I found not one.” 

[31]And so the Lord God says: “I will pour out my anger upon you; I will consume you with the fire of my wrath. I have heaped upon you the full penalty for all your sins.” 

Let me explain that last part. Wickedness is destruction, it brings GOD'S anger. Never be wicked. Righteousness is a defence, it brings GOD'S Mercy. Always do good. When divine anger looks down upon a place and does not see righteousness or the righteous, it will consume the land. If divine anger sees righteousness or the righteous on ground, divine mercy is activated and can halt divine fury. This is why righteousness is a wall of defence against death and destruction. This is why you should cherish the righteous anywhere they are found. They can save your life, just by being there. Even evil forces know you can't crash a bus if a single righteous person is in the bus. Divine mercy will avert it. 


I am writing this because this is one of the plans of evil forces wanting to ruin this world. They want righteousness and the righteous out of the way. As they take away the genuine righteousness, they replace it with fake, so no one will suspect. All appears normal, no one suspect. 


Let us help ourselves by doing the following. Seek out the truly righteous ones like us and stand by us. Help reduce the temptations of the righteous falling for evil gifts that destroys them. Try to draw many more people to this ministry. I have made several attempts to network other righteous ones, but I notice some forces keep holding them back from me. They don't want us to connect. Some never respond to my messages to them (though they are believers), yet they connect with others. Strange. Quite unusual. I am a danger to evil agenda. Also pray this prayer immediately. 


Pray that prayer and save yourself. It is for your own good.




What is a parable ? Form of short stories to teach important lessons and bring vital truths to our knowledge. JESUS also spoke in parables. 

St. Matthew 13:34. KJV

All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: 

Therefore, allow HIM teach us another parable. I call it prophetic parable. I named it that way for this purpose only, please don't turn it to a Church doctrine. The reason is because you are meant to decode it in wisdom to receive the prophetic message. May the LORD give you understanding. One purpose of the prophetic, out of many, is to give us direction in life so as make thorny paths clear to us and keep us safe. Some prophecies are made plain, others are coded for the reasons best known to GOD. You see these divers forms of the prophetic litter the landscape of the Bible. No need to waste time analysing that point, will take some time to explain. Let's read the parable. 



A man went on a trip on the sea in his small yacht designed for pleasure. He was having a nice time sailing and enjoying the breeze when a storm suddenly emerged from nowhere. He saw the storm advancing and panicked. Suddenly, the auto-run engine packed up and the yacht became stationary on the sea. He had many things on board the small yacht : compass, phone, gun, binoculars with long distance accuracy, bell to sound alarm, etc. He also had a basket of food and drinks for his pleasure on board. Waves rose around the yacht and water began to trickle in. The stuffs on the yacht will add to the weight and help the water sink it fast if it keeps entering. The water kept trickling in as the waves rose all around the yacht. He began to throw things overboard : compass, phone, gun, alarm bell, binoculars, etc. He kept only his food basket. 

Suddenly, the storm ceased, the waves stopped and the water stopped trickling in. He was happy and began to dance and rejoice. He was so overjoyed at the calmness; being an engineer, he knew he will easily run the yacht and keep moving. He knew what to do. The yacht had an auto-run engine that packed up, it also had a spare engine that must be run manually. That was still in place with no problem. It will take him back home. The storm was gone, the sea had become calm. Everything was back to normal, so it seems. He opened a bottle of wine, brought out some sandwiches and began to eat. He was so taken up with his feasting and merriment that he waved off two passing rescue ships that hollered out to him. "All is well, I am okay, go away..." he shouted. The rescue ships departed...... 

....then the pirates appeared. He was alone on the sea. 

Parable ends. 

Apostle Tosin Oke.





The Spirit says by me, out of the ashes, out of the ashes shall the ruins return to execute the mandate. The bones shall form and the child shall form, the man will emerge and the thoughts of surgeons shall perish, for a mystery emerge that shall unravel in strange manners that the strangers shall stumble upon. This is the trumpet. The mystery is here. A touch of fire as you read this breath of the Spirit. 

Apostle Tosin Oke.

30th May, 2023. 10:50pm GMT+1





Behold he comes, he comes in fury, he comes in vengeance. They called for it. He is the answer. The four corners shall be swept clean. The carpenters shall work and the house will be finished. Let my people ask for restoration, for he that ask shall receive. The spirits cry and it echoes to the depth of the flaming sea, the place of coals, the Palace of fire. The waters rumble, the flames are kindled, let the wise take cover. The mountains fall, the sea is open, the ocean, the ocean, the ocean....flee ! 

Apostle Tosin Oke.

15th June, 2023. 10:25pm GMT+1


A Clarion Call

A Clarion Call



Considering the present state of the world, I believe some will still immediately obey this instruction, ensure you are one of them. This is a clarion call for all that will heed this call. What you must do is not difficult. Very simple. Stop whatever you may be doing now and find a place you can pray. A spot in your shop, your office, a restroom (if nowhere else is available), your room (if at home), pack your car somewhere safe (if driving), kneel to pray (if in Church), under a tree or a place you may be alone (if walking on the road), go out to a private spot (if at a party or social function), etc, JUST FIND A SPOT YOU CAN PRAY NOW ! 

Now that you have done that, best you kneel if you are where you can, but if not where you may kneel, pray standing. Simply pray the following prayers to GOD. 


Pray thus: 

"I, as a citizen of this world hereby plead before the GOD of heaven and earth, the creator of the ends of the earth, that the following scriptures be enforced and fulfilled here on earth now in JESUS NAME". 

Now proceed to quote the following seven scriptures listed below to GOD verbatim. Do not remove or add to it. They are already pasted below, so easy. Just read them to GOD, one after the other. All scriptures are from the King James Bible. 

St. Matthew 6:9-10

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 

Psalms 94:14-15

For the LORD will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance. But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it. 

The Acts 2:17-18

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: 

Habakkuk 2:14

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. 

Psalms 46:8-10

Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. 

Psalms 66:4

All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name. Selah. 

Ephesians 5:25-27

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. 

I pray this world will be wise and obey this instruction. Act now !




1. Open your Bible to Psalms 119 verses 15-22verses 24 -50. Declare them as your confession. Do this verse by verse. Do not rush.

2. Go to Psalms chapter 19 and declare them verse by verse as your own words. Do not rush. 

3. Pray this way. 

"All those scriptures i have read are my confession and prayers willingly expressed by me, therefore, everything contrary to that in me, I refuse. Die in JESUS NAME". 

4. Attend in prayers to all other issues that concerns and bother you.




Hello beloved, let's wake up some more. If you are still sleeping spiritually, you are dead already. Below is an example of one of the meetings of darkness that takes place daily. What you will read is not fiction, these meetings actually took place against a true servant of GOD. The scenario, names, etc, might not be accurate, but the account is true. This is just one out of countless conspiracies  that go on around you every minute. They don't even need to gather to plan, they can communicate to plot death and destruction over distance whether in the day or at night. They can be going about, yet be in active participation to steal, kill and destroy.

Anger said to Fury "what nonsense, that idiot had the effrontery to cast us out of those boys and girls we planned to destroy from within". Fury replied, "what insult, what insolence, we will teach him a lesson he will never forget". Shame, his words coming out like corrosive foam from his mouth said, "he even had the guts to get some of them born-again, how then will I bring them to the shame I planned. He blocked my work, I will bring him to shame and disgrace, the kind that will completely kill his good reputation as a minister of the Gospel and turn him into what I planned for those captives he set free".

Lust erupted in rage, "by the time I'm done with him, he will never mention holiness again. He had the guts to preach holiness to those whose bodies we planned to ravish and eventually send to hell through sexual immorality. He thinks he will live holy too, he must be joking...." Hatred started talking "I noticed him from birth and reported him to our high command. I warned them. From what I saw, he was born to preach and save lives, that we determined he will never do. We made our own plans for him........., unfortunately, the Spirit got him before us. He is now preaching, praying and throwing fire everywhere". All of them chorused, "we will get him back, we must get him back. The Spirit cannot stop our plans for him. Activate full operation to kill that ministry in his life and return him to the course we planned for him. Spirits goooo...go and capture him !"

Envy started talking, "this is one of the most stubborn born-again persons I have ever seen. Others were not this difficult, we got them cheaply. After all we did, he is still waxing stronger in the fire and in the faith of the righteous one". Lust responded, "all our female agents failed to capture him through sin. We even destroyed his courtship just to make him go for our agents, yet he stayed holy and true, I can't stand his sight, I just can't ". Greed said, "i even sent him money and gift offers when he was broke and hungry, the gifts would have given our spirits instant access into him and he would have become our robot to run as we like, our plan would then have prevailed against the plan of the Spirit for him; yet he rejected all our gifts. This is an insult we will never tolerate". Bitterness hissed and said, "we fired arrows at him both day and night, set various traps for him, yet he escaped all. I feel deeply offended and grieved. We turned brethren against him, yet he kept on walking in love. He fought no one, he quarrelled with no one...." "what I hate most..." Strife interrupted, "I wanted him to fight, but he never did. I insist we must destroy his ministry, too many captives will be set free if we don't". All chorused, " we must stop him!"

Destroyer began to shout " scandal go and disgrace him. Spirits of lust hunt him until you get him. Spirits in our captured believers and ministers move the Church against him. Our agents in the Church, spread lies against him. Envy, go and sabotage all attempts for him to marry. All Spirits gooo...block him, block his ministry, drive people away from him, buy as many as you can, turn them against him...STOP HIM !"

Shame shouted, "open the armoury and bring out all arrows and weapons, spare nothing. TAKE HIM DOWN !" 

Now take note of the following steps you must take to survive in spiritual warfare.

• Salvation in JESUS
• Deep knowledge of GOD'S Word
• Constant prayers to destroy all evil plans
• Using GOD'S Word in prayers
• Prayers against evil gifts and access points.
• Sufferings and sacrifices for GOD
• Giving unto GOD
• Faithfulness to GOD no matter what comes
• Instant obedience to divine instructions
• A life of holiness and purity
• Being led by the Spirit in all things
• Wisdom and divine direction in relationships

Proverbs 21:30-31. Living Bible Version
[30]No one, regardless of how shrewd or well-advised he is, can stand against the Lord.
[31]Go ahead and prepare for the conflict, but victory comes from God.

Psalms 18:2. Living Bible Version
[2]The Lord is my fort where I can enter and be safe; no one can follow me in and slay me. He is a rugged mountain where I hide; he is my Savior, a rock where none can reach me, and a tower of safety. He is my shield. He is like the strong horn of a mighty fighting bull.

Let those scriptures and others be your regular confessions. I wish you stay safe. 


Let's see another strategy evil forces use when it comes to hindering people in marriage.

Psalms 7:14. Living Bible Version
[14]The wicked man conceives an evil plot, labors with its dark details, and brings to birth his treachery and lies;

In the form of a story, true again, not fiction; we see another way they carry out their treachery.

Envy speaks, "In furtherance of our plots against that man setting our captives free; we must hinder him in marriage". Destruction speaks up, "Since we are on ground everywhere, all of you keep your ear on the ground in all neighbourhoods for any woman showing the slightest interest to marry him. Watch him everywhere, see him talking to any woman, move in and block him". Hatred says "You know all of us are married with children and enjoying our own homes, ensure you keep all our daughters away from him. We will not stop there, we will also keep other people's daughters away from him. Watchers, how far with our operations against his marriage, give us the report".

Watcher 1 speak up, "so far so good. Our agents among the friends of his fiancee and with other pressures, lies and deception here and there, destroyed his first courtship. They did a good job before proceeding to marry, bear kids and settle down in their own homes. One of our male agents married his fiancee. That was a success". Watcher 2 takes over, "Other women he tried we blocked in various ways. We supplied them with information that will discourage them from marrying him, some we demonised and ran them away from him. Our male agents are on ground everywhere to immediately go for any woman that shows the slightest interest in him and marry them. We have enough wealth to achieve this. So far we have had success and married all those that showed interest in him". Watcher 3 presents his report, "sorry, my colleagues, I must leave this meeting early, my third son will be getting married in the morning, I have many things to fix. You are all invited. Meanwhile, I am receiving constant report from all agents under my command about any moves that man of GOD makes towards a woman. I have dispatched spirits into all the girls I suspect might have interest in him; they will never go near him, that I promise you". Destruction speaks, "this is nothing compared to what we have done to others. Many we put spirits in them to make them run from marriage and sex. They died as virgins. Some we rendered infertile as women and men we made impotent. No child, no marriage. They kept going from one relationship to another. We spread the stories of their infertility until nobody wanted them anymore". Envy speaks up, "Do you know what we did to some we made infertile and impotent...?" He laughs in a sinister manner, "...they went from one spiritualist to another, from one hospital to another for solution; we followed them everywhere they went and ensured they were subjected to all manner of shame and indignities. Some were slept with in most humiliating manners by trainee spiritualist small boys. The impotent men were treated in most shameful manners, including being stripped and bathed by women, etc. All these, unknown to them, we recorded and placed in our database. You are all free to watch the videos at leisure". Instantly, millions of spirits at the meeting departed, headed for the database to watch the videos. Scandal laughed in a wicked manner and said, "others we turned to prostitutes, sex slaves, homosexuals and lived as such until they died and went to hell. They never married nor bore any child. Our agents were the ones ravishing their bodies until death. Our spirits inside them made them whores. We spiritually cloned some of them and used their bodies for all the sexual satisfaction we wanted until we left their bodies and they dropped dead suddenly". Strife took over, " my colleagues, we are doing a good job; our only problem is the true Church. As long as people get born-again, live holy, stay prayerful, pray GOD'S Word in the Bible, suffer for GOD make sacrifices for HIM and live in constant obedience to HIM no matter how hard, we shall always fail." To this, all shouted, " there is only one option left, we must destroy the Church, better still, take over the Church. Nothing must stop us. NOTHING !"

All of them departed in different direction worldwide to execute this agenda, many pretending to be born-again so as to infiltrate the Church and carry out their mission.

Evil has been in existence before Adam was created. What they are still doing is what they have always done. It is a law at work. You can only save yourself and others ready and willing to obey. The rest will become victims. Nothing new under the Sun. Beloved, read a prayer of David against these evil forces

Psalms 64:1,3-10. Living Bible Version.
[1](1-2) Lord, listen to my complaint: Oh, preserve my life from the conspiracy of these wicked men, these gangs of criminals.
[3]They cut me down with sharpened tongues; they aim their bitter words like arrows straight at my heart.
[4]They shoot from ambush at the innocent. Suddenly the deed is done, yet they are not afraid.
[5]They encourage each other to do evil. They meet in secret to set their traps. “He will never notice them here,” they say.
[6]They keep a sharp lookout for opportunities of crime. They spend long hours with all their endless evil thoughts and plans.
[7]But God himself will shoot them down. Suddenly his arrow will pierce them.
[8]They will stagger backward, destroyed by those they spoke against. All who see it happening will scoff at them.
[9]Then everyone shall stand in awe and confess the greatness of the miracles of God; at last they will realize what amazing things he does.
[10]And the godly shall rejoice in the Lord, and trust and praise him.

Wake up now lest you become a casualty. 


The Wind is Here

The Wind is Here

MAY 16TH, 2024. 8:43PM.

And the hand said "come to me", yes the wind said "come to me", the flame said "come to have a bathe, wear my clothes, carry my radiance"; the eyes of love said "look on me and taste the essence, carry the fragrance " they come in the crucible of the treasure, they will carry the aura. The time is now.

Let all who read fall on their knees, raise their hands to heaven and say "THIS IS MY WILL, LORD, HERE I COME".

Don't Ignore !


Apostle Tosin Oke

Apostle Tosin Oke

SEPTEMBER 8TH, 2024. 10:25PM

"Peace saith to me, I flow in the divine rest. I am the ambience of heaven, the cascading lava of love. I do not burn, I soothe. I am here....but only for the few. They rejected me and they told me. I heard them and death came. They called for it. Anything else they tell you is a lie. They sat down together, called for death and it came. They met with death and dispatched it. They sent death. Do you want it to go ? change your ways and call for peace. Sacrifice unto GOD and send the grieve away. Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit saith."

I advice all who read this PROPHECY above to fall on their face and begin to plead for peace. Meanwhile, amend your ways. Remember, the Mercy of GOD is never far from HIS anger.

𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐤𝐞.
+2348167409467. +2348083634059.
+2347013955690. +2348156646447.


Dead Arise

Dead Arise

"...i killed, they died, decayed and became bones, but this they forget while rejoicing, "can these bones live..." yes, bones came to bone, flesh covered them, a people arose, a great army; the bones lived. Remember, I kill and I make alive. Your rejoicing is over saith the LORD to the enemy. The time of  the avengers is cut short. The galaxy fold into two of the ageless, one is bound, the other open. I shut the door for a season, the remnant pass through the fire but are not burnt. The grass grow again. Talithacumi" 

December 10th, 2024.

Watch the music video below or access here. A song given as prophecy and miracle for all those who wish and who believe. There is nothing dead that GOD cannot raise. For more miracle ministration on this issue, always visit our "Church prayers and word" page, also watch the "Miracles" page. If you can't find it there, proceed to the "Miracles two" page. Thanks.