CHURCH:Word and Prayers
Romans 9:15-16. KJV
For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
Divine Mercy brought you to partake of
Romans 11:29. NKJV
for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
Here, in this website, are the gifts and callings of GOD in my life, that will, by spiritual law, do their work in your life. You are welcome to this page to join our regular Sunday service here that holds 9:00am Nigeria GMT+1, kindly locate the right time in your country's time zone and join us every Sunday. This is a ministry website to minister to your total needs, explore other pages and be blessed.
This is online Sunday service either in written or video forms. The steps you take are outlined, you are expected to follow as if you are in a normal Church service. Gather your family around you, if you have one yet, settle down where you all can pray, sing, worship and study, you are in a Church service, hosts of heaven there with you. No family yet, proceed on your own. For further briefing about this ministry, go to the announcement page. For testimonies, questions, comments, observations and enquiries; reach me through my contact page or through any of my contacts at the left bottom of this website. MAKE THIS YOUR CHURCH.
I sing too. As a welcome gift, here are two of my songs below for your spiritual edification. Press play below and be blessed. You may download them here and here Happy listening.
Apostle Tosin Oke.
Catch Fire Commission.
Those who qualify for this gift are only genuine persons with good intentions to use it for good and godly purpose only, not agents out to sabotage it or use it for bad purposes.
Unfortunately, only Nigerians will be able to receive this for now. They are Nigerian mobile network recharge cards. I do not have for other countries yet, quite sorry for that. I may probably expand this to other countries as soon as I am able to. I intend to be releasing a free gift of recharge cards of different mobile networks in Nigeria that I wish once a week. I shall alternate. One for each week. I can release this gift anytime during a week, not necessarily Sunday mornings only. Once you receive "the card has been loaded" response from your network at your first attempt, stop attempting it so that your line will not be blocked by the network.
Note the following rules.
1. Agents of darkness wanting to load it to sabotage this kind gesture from reaching those who really need it, please keep off. Want to load and use it for bad purposes, also keep off. This is covered in prayers.
2. If you have the means to comfortably buy recharge cards, kindly allow those who need it to use it.
GLO N500 : 560998072721011
DO NOT PROCEED without doing this. Go to the Announcement and Testimonies page, scroll down page to PRAYER ASSIGNMENT IN SUPPORT OF DIVINE MERCY, read it and join the prayer with fasting slated for January 7th and 8th (Tuesday and Wednesday) 2025. If you wish to start immediately, you are free to do so.
1. Start with thanksgiving for all things.
2. Cancel all contrary plans of darkness against our service today. Destroy them by fire.
3. Declare the scriptures below line by line.
Habakkuk 3:2-8,10-19. Living Bible Version
[2]O Lord, now I have heard your report, and I worship you in awe for the fearful things you are going to do. In this time of our deep need, begin again to help us, as you did in years gone by. Show us your power to save us. In your wrath, remember mercy.
[3]I see God moving across the deserts from Mount Sinai. His brilliant splendor fills the earth and sky; his glory fills the heavens, and the earth is full of his praise! What a wonderful God he is!
[4]From his hands flash rays of brilliant light. He rejoices in his awesome power.
[5]Pestilence marches before him; plague follows close behind.
[6]He stops; he stands still for a moment, gazing at the earth. Then he shakes the nations, scattering the everlasting mountains and leveling the hills. His power is just the same as always!
[7]I see the people of Cushan and of Midian in mortal fear.
[8](8-9) Was it in anger, Lord, you smote the rivers and parted the sea? Were you displeased with them? No, you were sending your chariots of salvation! All saw your power! Then springs burst forth upon the earth at your command!
[10]The mountains watched and trembled. Onward swept the raging water. The mighty deep cried out, announcing its surrender to the Lord.
[11]The lofty sun and moon began to fade, obscured by brilliance from your arrows and the flashing of your glittering spear.
[12]You marched across the land in awesome anger and trampled down the nations in your wrath.
[13]You went out to save your chosen people. You crushed the head of the wicked and laid bare his bones from head to toe.
[14]You destroyed with their own weapons those who came out like a whirlwind, thinking Israel would be an easy prey.
[15]Your horsemen marched across the sea; the mighty waters piled high.
[16]I tremble when I hear all this; my lips quiver with fear. My legs give way beneath me, and I shake in terror. I will quietly wait for the day of trouble to come upon the people who invade us.
[17]Even though the fig trees are all destroyed, and there is neither blossom left nor fruit; though the olive crops all fail, and the fields lie barren; even if the flocks die in the fields and the cattle barns are empty,
[18]yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will be happy in the God of my salvation.
[19]The Lord God is my strength; he will give me the speed of a deer and bring me safely over the mountains.
(A note to the choir director: When singing this ode, the choir is to be accompanied by stringed instruments.)
4. Ask GOD for revelation and illumination as you receive today's message.
5. Proceed to today's worship. Access here or play below. Take your time, do not rush. It is worship time. Sing other songs you know too.
1. Prayers with fasting for personal deliverance from all abnormalities in your head, mind, soul and body is very important after receiving JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOUR. Proceed immediately.
2. Becoming possessed by devils is very deadly, but worse is the fact that, though you are not possessed, evil forces can still make you behave like a devil through remote programming. Yes, they use technology too. When devils hold your remote control, you will behave like a devil. A spiritual battle you must win by prayers, fasting and diverse forms of sacrifices unto GOD. Proceed immediately.
3. One of the greatest prayers you can pray is this, as you hold your head with your hands, cry to GOD, "GOD, by your Mercy, perform surgery in my head, free me completely from whatever evil forces have deposited there, take out of my head everything contrary to new life in JESUS". Proceed immediately.
4. If you have sudden fits of talk and acts of wickedness you cannot control, someone somewhere is using evil remote control on you. You have HOLY GHOST FIRE, BLOOD OF JESUS, etc, what are you waiting for ! Act now, use them to free yourself and destroy your enemies before they programme you to hell. Proceed immediately.
5. Church crowd have different definitions. A. Evil forces invading the Church in large numbers to swell up the number astronomically with one purpose, total takeover of the Church.
B. A Church with no high standards, compromising the truth to draw crowd. C. The Pastor selling his soul to the Devil for crowd. The crowd will be their agents anyway. That is no more a Church, it is a branch of darkness.
D. The 'Church' packaged from foundation and owned by darkness. They often grow very fast.
E. Crowd being drawn by the SPIRIT OF GOD into a true Church established by GOD and running on GOD'S Word. Pray GOD will direct you to this one. Mind you, GOD can also direct you to a true growing one not yet with many members; obey fast. Proceed on this prayer immediately.
6. Considering the present state of things, evidence abound. Seek GOD'S face very well before joining a Church or ministry, don't miss your way.
7. Man of GOD, as people minister to you of their substance and sacrificially serve GOD with you or under you, they receive Mercy, escape generational curses and prosper. The same law applies to you, you must do same for other ministers, not necessarily serve under them (except GOD says so) for you also to receive Mercy, escape generational curse and prosper.
8. Many people get delivered under your anointing with testimonies, but you still end up getting destroyed because the principles of sacrifice you taught people that worked for them, you do not practice. They get blessed but you remain in bondage. You can preach it and not experience it if you do not practice it. A reason why many who preach and lead prayers against generational curses often fall victim of same. They cannot sacrifice, antidote to generational curses. Preaching it only does not deliver you, but doing it. Obey your message.
9. Man of GOD, minister from your resources to other true ministers of the Gospel as a key for your own breakthrough.
10. One way GOD work in your life for good is by connecting you to certain persons for relationship. Don't miss them.
11. One way evil forces destroy you is by bringing certain persons into your life to destroy you, pray against this and run from them.
12. Enemies often come as friends. Watch your back.
13. If your Church or ministry have growth problems or growing and dying through no fault of yours; try sacrificial giving from Church income. It works.
Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.
I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".
Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.
1. Discuss your new week and all other issues concerning you with GOD. Cancel all plans of darkness against you in all areas of your life.
2. Now say the following three times,
I have received from the ministry of Apostle Tosin Oke, I decree in JESUS NAME, all the good things, spiritual and physical, both him and all those helping him to make these works available need in all areas of their lives be delivered to them in JESUS NAME. I cancel all declarations and pronouncements contrary to these in all areas of their lives in JESUS NAME.
Tithe and Offering are part of our service unto GOD for our own good. We cannot be an exception. Some people's money made this possible, kindly reach me on the contact page for account details, also text or call any of my lines so as to send your tithes and offerings. You may also mail me directly. Contact details at the bottom left of this website. You will be reached anywhere you are in the world. In Nigeria and wish to sow recharge cards, please go ahead. I use all networks.
This is what we still do in our privacy, preferably evening or any other time of the day convenient for us.
1. Start with thanksgiving.
2. An assignment had earlier being given for yesterday and today, continue with it.
3. Commit all your other needs before GOD, cancel all contrary plans of darkness against you in all areas of your life.
Ensure you visit other pages in this website and share. Send me your testimonies. If a Nigerian, go up page and collect the free gift for the week if not yet collected, please read the collection instruction first, available for all Nigerians with good intentions and who truly need it. Note, I have never posted an invalid, expired recharge pin or an incorrect pin. Any loading issues with the recharge pins are not from me nor the service providers. Thank GOD they always eventually get loaded. No single recharge card has ever being wasted. All glory to GOD. Say Amen as we close
May God’s mercy and peace be upon all of you who live by these principles of GOD'S word and upon those everywhere who are really God’s own.
SUNDAY. JANUARY 12TH, 2025. 9:00AM
Last Sunday's Service is still relevant, i believe the LORD wants us to revisit it, kindly go back to last Sunday January 5th Service and follow it through. It is a repetition for today's service. Furthermore, check the instruction you were directed to access in the Announcement and Testimonies page and fix your own days to carry it out, if yet to do so. Though the fasting and prayer dates are passed, you may still proceed with it if you wish, just choose your own days to do it. Now proceed above
SUNDAY. JANUARY 19TH, 2025. 9:00AM
1. Start with thanksgiving. Thank GOD for all things.
2. Commit this service into GOD'S hands, ask HIM for revelation and understanding.
3. Cancel all plans of darkness against our service today. Destroy all such moves by fire.
4. Proceed to today's worship. Access here or play below. Take your time, do not rush. Sing along, let GOD hear your voice, that is the power of worship. Sing other songs you know too.
Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.
I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".
Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.
Tithe and Offering are part of our service unto GOD for our own good. We cannot be an exception. Some people's money made this possible, kindly reach me on the contact page for account details, also text or call any of my lines so as to send your tithes and offerings. You may also mail me directly. Contact details at the bottom left of this website. You will be reached anywhere you are in the world. In Nigeria and wish to sow recharge cards, please go ahead. I use all networks.
This is what we still do in our privacy, preferably evening or any other time of the day convenient for you.
1. Start with thanksgiving for all things.
2. Begin to discuss all your mistakes with GOD and ask HIM to help you. Open up to HIM, HE is your father. Confess any sin you need to and ask for forgiveness.
3. Ask GOD to give you divine direction in all areas of your life so that you will not be misled.
4. Pray that heaven will keep you safe from all manner of spiritual captivity.
5. Ask GOD to show you what you must do to escape spiritual captivity and give you the grace to do it.
6. Fall on your face and plead for GOD'S Mercy in all areas of your life like mad.
7. Lift your two hands to heaven and declare they begin to send sacrifices up to GOD.
8. Present all your other needs before GOD, cancel all contrary plans of darkness against you in all areas of your life.
9. End with thanksgiving.
The bulk of today's message is available in the Apostolic views page, It is titled WHY WE MUST FIGHT FOR THE TRUE CHURCH. You will be redirected to the page below. Just three stories to spice you up. This will let you know the risk of the enemy capturing just one believer, especially a true man of GOD, the damage to both the Church and the world is enormous, eternal in consequence. Please, do not attach names or identity to any of the characters in the stories below; I have not done so. There are many similar issues happening in different parts of the world. The essence of the story is to enlighten us and not for name calling. If you know anyone that has fallen victim of such strategies of darkness, pray for them, pray against such befalling you and be warned.
A true man of GOD made a mistake and fell into the sin of adultery. His spiritual father was called in to speak with him and help restore him. The spiritual father did not call him secretly to help remedy the situation and restore him; to the surprise of many fully trusting the spiritual father who had handled such cases in the past with wisdom and proper discretion required so as not to hurt the ministry, he proceeded to summon a Pastors conference and blew the matter open even without consulting his spiritual son. This was a shocker to many. Nobody expected him to act in such a manner. It became a mess and the spiritual son, though restored was deeply hurt. Many were hurt to. Some Pastors came in to settle the quarrel between father and son. The spiritual son picked up his ministry against the spiritual father's advice that he forgo ministry for a while. Thank GOD, the spiritual son came back in fire and his fame skyrocketed once again in power, signs and miracles. He was fully restored by GOD. Beloved, believers are too gullible. These devils are very smart. That singular act from a spiritual father who will normally not act in such a manner should have made many suspect something had gone spiritually wrong with him. Unknown to many, that spiritual father had been captured and another spirit was quietly hiding inside him, using him to destroy many. He kept on preaching as usual, but the enemy had quietly started using him. The spirit inside him moved him to attempt to destroy that spiritual son. Few people who suspected warned him not to go back to that spiritual father again. Devils don't give up. The spiritual son had been one of their targets they have hunted for years for destroying their works. They now have his spiritual father, this was a chance they will not miss. They armed the spiritual father with some evil money to demonise servants of GOD. This money, pretending to want to make peace, he sent to his spiritual son as gift. The spiritual son made the greatest mistake of his life, he accepted it and became instantly possessed. The spirits inside him started operating. They led him back to that same spiritual father, other events followed and he became initiated. They didn't stop there, they removed his spirit out of his body and another evil spirit took over the body (spiritual cloning). They now proceeded to use his body, while impersonating him, to destroy many lives of those who did not suspect a thing.
A known true prophet gave a prophecy to a single brother, telling him his wife will soon come to him. He described what she will look like and how they will meet. It came to pass accurately. The brother met this sister who appeared on fire for GOD too and they became friends. He one day proposed to her and like the average sister, she promised to go pray about it. The day he proposed to her, he lost his peace. His spirit became restless and he could not sleep. He was seriously disturbed, not knowing why. He began to ponder. His mind kept focusing on the sister. He then made up his mind to embark on 7days fasting with prayers to seek GOD'S face on the issue; what he should have earlier done, prophecy or no prophecy. On the third day of his fasting, he had a very clear revelation that the 'sister' in question was fake and was a marine agent. To shorten the story, he obeyed GOD and escaped. The question is this, what of the prophecy ? The true man of GOD operating in the prophetic had earlier secretly fell into sexual sin and he lied to cover it. He avoided punishment and denied his sin to Church leaders. The proper thing to do when you sin is to repent and pray for deliverance from any spirit that might have gained access into you while sinning. If you slept with a marine agent, you must embark on serious fire prayers for total deliverance and recover all you have lost during that sexual encounter. They can through sex collect many things from your life. However, If you are in leadership position in a Church or ministry and it gets known, don't lie. Accept punishment and continue your walk with GOD. They will not kill you. Matured leaders will handle it with the discretion required and all will be well. No need announcing such on the altar or blowing it open as some do. The Bible never asked us to confess to the whole congregation in public. Repentance, discipline and restore, all with discretion. Something that can quietly be handled in the office and buried there. That is GOD'S style. If you do the above, you will be safe. He did not do any of the above. He lied and his sin remained. Another spirit took residence inside him. It was that evil spirit that gave the brother the prophecy that almost sent him into wrong marriage. The prophet remained on the altar preaching, but another spirit had possessed him counterfeiting the prophetic. Not all fake ministers started as such, many were captured and turned. This is why you must read today's message in the Apostolic Views page.
A man of GOD woke up one morning and announced to his congregation that he is returning to the Church treasury all the money he has ever collected from them, he does not need them anymore, claiming GOD has blessed him in great manner. Beloved, for those with spiritual understanding, that singular act just robbed his congregation all the blessings they have ever received as a result of the servant of GOD spending their tithes and offerings. What happened was that, evil wealth had come to him, another spirit had entered him, knowing fully well that all the tithes and offerings of the congregation spent by the servant of GOD had delivered his members from various seen and unseen destruction which those same spirits were responsible for, they decided to return all their tithes and offerings, instantly reversing their blessings in the spirit realm. Many things, as from that moment began to go wrong, both in their lives and in the Church.
Ensure you visit other pages in this website and share. Send me your testimonies. If a Nigerian, go up page and collect the free gift for the week if not yet collected, please read the collection instruction first, available for all Nigerians with good intentions and who truly need it. Note, I have never posted an invalid, expired recharge pin or an incorrect pin. Any loading issues with the recharge pins are not from me nor the service providers. Thank GOD they always eventually get loaded. No single recharge card has ever being wasted. Now click on the displayed page below, scroll down the page and read the message titled "WHY WE MUST FIGHT FOR THE TRUE CHURCH"