CHURCH:Word and Prayers
Romans 9:15-16. KJV
For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
Divine Mercy brought you to partake of
Romans 11:29. NKJV
for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
Here, in this website, are the gifts and callings of GOD in my life, that will, by spiritual law, do their work in your life. You are welcome to this page to join our regular Sunday service here that holds 9:00am Nigeria GMT+1, kindly locate the right time in your country's time zone and join us every Sunday. This is a ministry website to minister to your total needs, explore other pages and be blessed.
This is online Sunday service either in written or video forms. The steps you take are outlined, you are expected to follow as if you are in a normal Church service. Gather your family around you, if you have one yet, settle down where you all can pray, sing, worship and study, you are in a Church service, hosts of heaven there with you. No family yet, proceed on your own. For further briefing about this ministry, go to the announcement page. For testimonies, questions, comments, observations and enquiries; reach me through my contact page or through any of my contacts at the left bottom of this website. MAKE THIS YOUR CHURCH.
I sing too. As a welcome gift, here are two of my songs below for your spiritual edification. Press play below and be blessed. You may download them here and here Happy listening.
Apostle Tosin Oke.
Catch Fire Commission.
Those who qualify for this gift are only genuine persons with good intentions to use it for good and godly purpose only, not agents out to sabotage it or use it for bad purposes.
Unfortunately, only Nigerians will be able to receive this for now. They are Nigerian mobile network recharge cards. I do not have for other countries yet, quite sorry for that. I may probably expand this to other countries as soon as I am able to. I intend to be releasing a free gift of recharge cards of different mobile networks in Nigeria that I wish once a week. I shall alternate. One for each week. I can release this gift anytime during a week, not necessarily Sunday mornings only. Once you receive "the card has been loaded" response from your network at your first attempt, stop attempting it so that your line will not be blocked by the network.
Note the following rules.
1. Agents of darkness wanting to load it to sabotage this kind gesture from reaching those who really need it, please keep off. Want to load and use it for bad purposes, also keep off. This is covered in prayers.
2. If you have the means to comfortably buy recharge cards, kindly allow those who need it to use it.
1. Start with thanksgiving.
2. Ask the HOLY SPIRIT will minister to you today and give you revelation.
3. Ask HE quickens you to walk in the truth you read in these pages.
4. Cancel by fire all contrary plans of darkness against our service today.
5. Ask that GOD will bring more people into our fold.
6. Proceed to today's worship. Access here or play below. Take your time, do not rush, it is worship time. Sing other songs you know too.
As you go through life, it is indispensable for you to act and react. Acting is doing one thing or the other; this is a daily must. You relate with people, you talk, you make decisions, etc, these are all actions. Others act too, and many times their actions affect you either for good or bad, you will react. You talk back, you determine what to do in reaction to what has been done to you or others either for good or bad. Till you die life will be a constant scenario of actions and reaction. This you cannot escape.
However, actions and reactions are two-edged; if you act and react right, the outcome will be good. If you act and react wrong, the outcome will be bad. Most of the destruction you see in the world today arise as a result of bad actions and reactions. This is why the Bible enjoins us to be cautious in what we do.
Proverbs 14:16. Living Bible Version
[16]A wise man is cautious and avoids danger; a fool plunges ahead with great confidence.
The problem is conquering those impulses in you that could make you take the wrong actions and overreact or react wrongly to issues. Some of these impulses are :
1. Instincts. Instincts compels you, reason guides you wisely. Humans were never meant to operate by instincts, unfortunately, many do. Somehow, instincts found its way into humans. You know it is Instincts if it does not give the slightest consideration to the consequences. Have you seen many behave that way ? The major reason animals enter simple traps hunters set for them to catch them. Reason will look at the trap, look at the food in it, weigh the risk, the survival index and make the wise decision to walk away. Instincts will not walk away, it damns the consequence. A major reason it is easy to destroy a person ruled by instincts. Just show them the right stimuli and they keep going in the direction of destruction you have set for them. It becomes a winning card in the hands of the enemy with spiritual powers if they can control your instincts. A reasonable man will think, "if I do this, what will be the consequences" and act rightly. Instincts does the opposite; it acts without reasoning. Beloved, many of you are walking about acting and reacting with Instincts, thus all your errors and the troubles you find yourself in. You know it will destroy you, yet you went into it ; Instincts at work. Never say "my instincts told me...", when you do right. Commend your reason instead. Instincts can make you commit murder if let loose. Instincts respond to external stimuli and do whatever it wants done without reasoning. When you have sex out of instinct, you violate boundaries and end in shame or disgrace. You go near, for sex, those you should never go near for such simply because your sex instinct is activated. Beloved, this is how many get pregnant or impregnate those they should not. A little gift or physical appeal and their sex instincts run wild. The stronger the sex instinct in you the weaker you are for sex. The enemy can activate the sex instincts in people to sexually destroy one another. They quietly remote it and still be the first to go to town with the scandal while no one suspects them. You have no idea how much teenage pregnancies and adulteries sex instincts have caused. Some regret afterwards, but yet they can't help it. When reason guide you, the external stimuli comes, but by reasoning you know you should not and stay away. Instinct will make you steal what you should not steal. It will make you drive people you should accept away from you while instinctively defending territory : territorial instinct. Instincts will cause you to overreact causing more troubles for yourself and others. A person who operates by reason is considered a fool by those ruled by instincts. They often see them as proud or strange. Instincts and reasonableness are two parralel lines that can never meet. You wonder how evil spirits can make you do terrible things you will normally never do, simple answer; they seize your reasoning. Yes, spirits can seize your reasoning. Yes, an evil spirit can enter your body, seize your reason and make you strip to go about naked in public or do other shameful things. A mad person is mad because his or her reasoning is gone, the work of evil spirits. To lose your reasoning is to act mad. When evil spirits possess you, one of the first things they do is to tamper with your reasoning. Once your reasoning is seized, they can make you commit abominable things. When you see reasonable people suddenly begin to behave in an unreasonable manner, evil spirits are most likely at work. Mind you, instincts too, if allowed, can also make you do terrible things though you are not possessed. If those in your caucus are susceptible to instincts, they can betray you one day. All they need is the right external stimuli like money, gifts, reward, etc, and their instincts will make them act wrongly. Instincts will turn you to a Judas. Reasonable people who act out of sound reasoning rarely end up as Judas. Their sound judgement will not allow it. Hit the floor now and pray like mad,
LORD deliver me from all Instincts that can destroy me, strengthen my reasoning in perfect conformity to your Will.
Do not proceed without praying that prayer.
2. Anger.
Proverbs 14:29-30. Living Bible Version
[29]A wise man controls his temper. He knows that anger causes mistakes. [30]A relaxed attitude lengthens a man’s life; jealousy rots it away.
The key phrase there is "A relaxed attitude". If you can live that way, you stand a good chance. Many things will make you angry on a daily basis, you live in a rotten world. I have lived long enough in this world to know not everyone is reasonable. You must learn to accept this fact and cool down to always act or react in a reasonable manner. If you don't, the rot will drain you. This wisdom will help you live long. If you act instantly in anger, the probability of acting or reacting wrongly is very high. If you refrain, take time to calm down and take informed decision, you stand a very high chance of acting or reacting right. Anger will most certainly make you overreact to offences and issues. There are very grievous offences that can make you devise cruel revenge. Some, out of bitter anger, have extended their revenge to the innocent. When a person offend you and you hit them back, you may be justified. If you extend your revenge beyond them and also destroy the innocent in retaliation, retribution will come after you and your offsprings because you touched the innocent. This is the danger of overreacting in anger. A major reason many of you are labouring under heavy generational curses; your parents or ancestors destroyed many innocent lives out of vengeance against their enemies. They didn't limit their vengeance to their enemies, they destroyed everyone in sight. When I see the heavy load of curses in the lives of some people, I marvel and say to myself "who on earth did this level of evil to others and left it for their children to inherit the curses", that revenge lost its value, it simply backfired. A revenge plan that would wreck your own innocent offsprings should be reconsidered. Hit the floor now and pray,
As from henceforth, I cease to act or react out of anger. I live and walk in the Spirit always.
Best to forgive whenever you can, pray about stubborn enemies and leave all vengeance for GOD. When you live like this, you keep your peace. Simply take many offences in your stride and move on. For recalcitrant die-hard enemies seen and unseen, settle their case in prayers. Full stop. Some people think because some evil ones have hurt me I will start cursing their human offsprings, a lie. I have never done so. No one knows the future.
3. Diverse evil influence and programming. These can make you act or react wrongly.
Place one hand on your head and the other on your chest and say this 7 times.
4. Bad counsel. Best to always stick to your Bible. Also seek GOD'S face first before taking action on any issue. HE knows best. If you stray into enemy advice, you are toast.
5. The sinful nature you inherited from Adam. Salvation in JESUS the antidote. Do it now if you are yet to do so.
Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.
I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".
Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.
1. Lay before GOD and ask HIM for personal surgery from everything in you that can destroy you.
2. Destroy by fire, all influences of darkness meant to destroy you.
3. Uproot by fire all unreasonable actions and reactions from your life.
4. Pray that all those whose resources have helped to bring this message to you will be instantly delivered from all bad issues raised in this message.
5. Tell GOD that your Will reject all things contrary to soundness of reason and good judgement.
6. Begin to declare you will never act or react in any way contrary to good no matter the stimuli or provocation.
7. Begin to repent in any way you have reacted wrongly or overreact to issues. Make needed corrections and restitution where necessary. Avoid GOD'S wrath.
8. Present your other needs before GOD. Cancel by fire all things contrary to good in all areas of your life.
Tithe and Offering are part of our service unto GOD for our own good. We cannot be an exception. Some people's money made this possible, kindly reach me on the contact page for account details, also text or call any of my lines so as to send your tithes and offerings. You may also mail me directly. Contact details at the bottom left of this website. You will be reached anywhere you are in the world. In Nigeria and wish to sow recharge cards, please go ahead. I use all networks.
This is what we still do in our privacy, preferably evening or any other time of the day convenient for you
1. Start with thanksgiving.
2. Go over all our Sunday service prayers again.
3. Now relax and let the HOLY SPIRIT give you additional prayer points. Just wait on HIM quietly, HE will do so.
4. Present all your needs into GOD'S hands. Cancel by fire all plans and purposes of darkness contrary to good in all areas of your life.
5. Now say the following three times,
I have received from the ministry of Apostle Tosin Oke, I decree in JESUS NAME, all the good things, spiritual and physical, both him and all those helping him to make these works available need in all areas of their lives be delivered to them in JESUS NAME. I cancel all declarations and pronouncements contrary to these in all areas of their lives in JESUS NAME.
6. Close with thanksgiving.
Ensure you visit other pages in this website and share. Send me your testimonies. If a Nigerian, go up page and collect the free gift for the week if not yet collected, please read the collection instruction first, available for all Nigerians with good intentions and who truly need it. Note, I have never posted an invalid, expired recharge pin or an incorrect pin. Any loading issues with the recharge pins are not from me nor the service providers. Thank GOD they always eventually get loaded. No single recharge card has ever being wasted. All glory to GOD. Say Amen as we close
May God’s mercy and peace be upon all of you who live by these principles of GOD'S word and upon those everywhere who are really God’s own.
1. Thank GOD for all things.
2. Commit our service today into GOD'S hands, ask for revelation and illumination.
3. Cancel by fire all plans of darkness against our service today.
4. Proceed to today's worship. Access here or play below. Do not rush, take your time, it is worship time. Sing other songs you know too.
Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.
I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".
Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.
Tithe and Offering are part of our service unto GOD for our own good. We cannot be an exception. Some people's money made this possible, kindly reach me on the contact page for account details, also text or call any of my lines so as to send your tithes and offerings. You may also mail me directly. Contact details at the bottom left of this website. You will be reached anywhere you are in the world. In Nigeria and wish to sow recharge cards, please go ahead. I use all networks.
This is what we still do in our privacy or any time of the day convenient for you.
1. Start with thanksgiving.
2. This is a praying in the Spirit (praying as led and guided by the HOLY SPIRIT) moment. Pray as the spirit will lead you. Just start by singing praises to HIM, speak in tongues if you can and just flow as the Spirit will direct. To pray like this, put your watch aside so as not to be distracted by time.
I have a guest minister for today. I actually came across this particular message titled "INSIGHTS ON SEEING IN THE SPIRIT" by Prophet Emmanuel Okeke online and decided to share it with you. It contains a lot of things you must learn. Very loaded message. Study the message line by line and take note of all the points raised, also ensure you get the books recommended by the speaker at the end of his message. Develop your own prayer points as you listen. Meanwhile, ensure you visit other pages in this website and share. Send me your testimonies. If a Nigerian, go up page and collect the free gift for the week if not yet collected, please read the collection instruction first, available for all Nigerians with good intentions and who truly need it. Note, I have never posted an invalid, expired recharge pin or an incorrect pin. Any loading issues with the recharge pins are not from me nor the service providers. Thank GOD they always eventually get loaded. No single recharge card has ever being wasted. Click insights on seeing in the spirit by Prophet Emmanuel Okeke or play below.