Apostle Tosin Oke

Apostle Tosin Oke




A young born-again man

A young born-again man

Welcome to a page dedicated to young men. I shall minister to young men in this page as led by the Spirit of GOD from time to time. Teachings and ministrations that will help young men in specific areas of life as the LORD will lead us will be discussed here. Young men, you are welcome to this page. Please diligently go through all the messages as they come,

𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐤𝐞.


Young man, you are still young both in body and in mind; there are a lot of things about life you do not know yet and might not fully grasp throughout your lifetime. A major mistake that destroys young men fast is the pride that comes with the emergence into teenage, starting from age 16 and above, it is called the rebellious stage. A major junction in the life of a young man where his brain is beginning to stir in the aspect of independent thinking and reasoning, this is where some young men miss their steps and take a wrong turning, some outrightly rebel against good authority, thinking they now know better. My dear young man; if you are just entering 16yrs or progressing beyond 16yrs to early adulthood; take my word for it,


Talking about covering, it means a strong shade in life to shield you from harm you cannot handle, help show you how to get what you need but do not have and afford you the protection you require to survive. Covering here does not mean someone that you can parasite on, you do nothing while he does everything for you. That is what I call an invalid mindset, an invalid is a person incapable of self motion, others must always carry them; sure you do not want to live like that, such mindset makes you a psychological paralytic, will render you immobile in life. Every single young man that wants to survive this world, especially when still young, and not miss their way need these coverings. Let's break it down. Let's see these coverings, the merits and demerits and how you take full advantage of them.

1. Your parents are the first set of coverings GOD gave you in life. You were born by them, you came naked and empty, totally vulnerable. As a baby and a child just growing, you cannot do anything but to be carried and cuddled by them. They bathe you, feed you, clothe you and raise you the way they want. The original way GOD designed it, before evil entered homes, good parents will never stop caring for you till you depart this world, even till their old age and death, you are still their child. They joyfully labour for you throughout their lifetime. Unfortunately, due to the presence of evil in this world, that covering can have its flaws; bad parenting. Yes, not all parents are good parents. Stories of runaway fathers, abusive fathers, mothers and fathers who have no idea how to raise a child, those who push and introduce their children to sex, drugs, stealing and various vices, etc. Bad parenting can destroy you. Some parents can also lay a bad foundation for you in life through their wickedness to others. If GOD has left all of us to the covering of natural parenting alone, many lives would be wrecked. Just look at many homes to buttress my point. The kind of homes many were born into gave them a bad foundation that if not corrected as they grow up, will eventually destroy them. Many parents are ignorant of many mysteries of life too, some fight various battles and might not be able to give you the good parenting you need simply because they don't have it. They cannot teach you what they don't know. Unfortunately, you cannot choose your parents. Fortunately though, GOD, knowing all these, did not stop there, HE made provision for a higher covering that can correct the errors of poor parenting. The second and the highest level of covering.

2. Spiritual covering of JESUS CHRIST. There is another home or family called the family of GOD that you enter through new birth in JESUS. It can correct the errors of poor parenting. It also afford you the positive spiritual protection from evil no parents can give you. If all you have is natural parenting, you are at great risk in life. You might not have good parents. No natural parents can give you all the spiritual protection you need in life, that is if they have it themselves. Most parents don't. When you embrace JESUS as your LORD and Saviour, you become a child of GOD through spiritual birth, until you do that you are not yet a member of the family of GOD. That new birth in CHRIST makes you an adopted son of GOD and HE immediately begins to fight for you and intervene in all your affairs, including bad parenting. Angels take you up as their ward, though you might not see them. They are guardian spirits all around you. GOD begins to arrange and rearrange your life. HE constantly intervenes in your case. Before I proceed, stop reading and do this now if you have never done so.

Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.

I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".

Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.

There are many ways GOD uses to change your life and make it good. The foundation class page will show you many of the ways. The only obligation you must perform is this; you must be absolutely obedient to GOD. it is in this area that many fail, so unfortunate. Natural parenting cannot see the future. GOD sees the future and knows what you must do to escape future destruction. It is in your best interest to always obey HIM even when not easy to do. Mind you, GOD will often demand sacrifice from you, sort of self denials and sacrificial giving, never run from it. It is all for your good. One way GOD help you is through the third type of covering, still under GOD through JESUS CHRIST.

3. GOD leading you and placing you in relationship with specific spiritually sound and matured individual(s) for spiritual guidance and help. It must be those you are divinely connected to by GOD and not by your fancy or greed. They might or might not be rich. Such people must have a good relationship with GOD and walk in holiness and absolute faithfulness to GOD, if they are not such, flee lest they mislead or destroy you. Watch their lives, if they are compromising with evil in any area, take off. There are many reasons for this third type of covering. Some are the following.

A. You are still young in the faith of our LORD JESUS CHRIST and need proper tutelage from matured believers to guide you in this new life.

B. These good spiritual parents are often used by GOD to undo the mistakes and errors of natural parents in raising you. Some complement the good efforts of natural parents. It is very important you humble yourself and submit to such godly and positive tutelage. Since they are not your natural parents, they might not have any right to tell you what you ought to do, but you will be wise to humble yourself and honour them. This is very important if they will be able to discharge their good responsibilities in your life. A prayer you must pause and pray now is this,

GOD, in JESUS NAME, connect me to those you truly want to raise me as my spiritual parents.

C. There are those that GOD has deposited certain gifts and anointing in their lives for the good of many. When you stay under their special grace and anointing, the anointing serves as an added spiritual defence for you when troubles you cannot see nor handle comes. Evil forces know this. One thing they specialise in doing to destroy a person who is under such spiritual covering of another's anointing is to separate them from such spiritual covering. They can orchestrate trouble between them through diverse manipulations. They know that as long as their targets are staying faithful to those GOD has placed them under for spiritual covering and ministering to them, even if their targets are spiritually weak or make mistakes, the anointing of those they are under or minister to will always fight for them. This is one way GOD fight for those just coming up in spiritual things and in ministry who might still be spiritually weak in some areas or yet lack certain basic spiritual understanding for proper spiritual warfare. I write from experience. I have had many connect to me over years and on many occasions. When evil they cannot see nor handle want to befall them, GOD shows me and I pray to avert it. Now, read this ten times. Whenever the enemy see this and they know I am their covering, they look for one way or another to separate or drive them away from me so they can destroy them. Some have fallen victim of this trick and were destroyed. This is a major reason I am very reluctant to get angry with people connected to me by GOD even when they act nasty or rude, simply because I know the danger they will walk into if I allow the enemy have its way. Unfortunately, many still fall for this trick. The enemy knows the rule and try hard to sabotage it. For such coverings to work, you must minister to it, I mean give to the person you are under (Examples: Elijah and the widow of Zarephath, Elisha and the Shunnemite woman, etc ). You must also honour the grace and the anointing on that person's life. You must show respect and submission to their spiritual authority. You do not disrespect or insult their anointing and expect it to work for you. You cannot see them in need and have the means to help them, yet refuse and expect their anointing to fight for you. The enemy that wants to destroy you, knowing all these, strikes at those areas rendering their anointing unable to fight for you anymore. This why I hardly quarrel with those under my spiritual covering even when they provoke me, not because I am a fool, but simply because I know the enemy is manipulating them to destroy them. Some eventually disconnect on their own. The truth is this, if you are not ministering through giving and other services to the person whose spiritual covering you are under and yet expect him to continue praying and fighting for you spiritually; you might expose him to a big risk. Some arrows against you and your life must see your sacrifice (giving and labour for GOD) to be averted. If those sacrifices are not in place, whoever attempts to avert those destruction heading your way might become a casualty of those same arrows they are trying to avert for you. This third covering is a major spiritual law many do not understand. If all you do is just to take and demand from those whose spiritual covering you are under and never give to them, you expose both yourself and them to danger. To save them, GOD might end up separating both of you lest your selfishness destroy them as some keeping you from giving to them wish. A game evil forces play when you stand in the way of their evil intentions against their targets, they turn your spiritual interventions against you. A game they have tried against me.

Young man, let me stop here. Make necessary adjustments and you are on the way. 


The Junction of Decisions

The Junction of Decisions


As a person grows and matures in age, certain psychological that goes with physiological changes takes place both in young men and women. At that junction, decisions taken can significantly alter the course of your life for good or for bad. Unfortunately, still being young and not able to glimpse the future, you are at great risk if you make the wrong decisions. Some decisions taken as a young man will not only stay with you throughout life, but also throughout eternity. One bad decision can wreck your destiny or even eventually send you to hell. The truth is, by the time you realise these mistakes, it might be too late. Most adults and old people wish they can reverse their lives and return to being a teenager so they can reverse the decisions taken that wrecked their lives. All decisions goes into your foundation in life, if they are good decisions, they will hold up the structure of your life and ensure you end well; but if they are bad decisions, they will one day, when it might be too late, pull down the structure of your life. Young man, you cannot afford to miss it now so as to save your future. I pray that when you are old you will not shed bitter tears over the mistakes you made as a young man.

One of the things that helped me as a young man that has ensured that till today I have no regrets, but only sorrow over those who failed me in one area or the other knowing the repercussions of the mistakes they made, is the fact that I learnt how to hear GOD and obey HIM early in life. I stuck to divine direction without turning right or left. No matter what others did, I kept doing whatever I read in the Bible and continued obeying the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT. Some didn't understand me, but I stuck to divine direction. Young man, pause here, fall on your face before GOD and pray this prayer copied from the Bible. One of the prayers David prayed that made him strong. Start from "don't let me miss the road signs...". Do not continue without doing this.

Psalms 119:9. MSG
How can a young person live a clean life?
By carefully reading the map of your Word. I'm single-minded in pursuit of you; don't let me miss the road signs you've posted. I've banked your promises in the vault of my heart
so I won't sin myself bankrupt. Be blessed, God; train me in your ways of wise living. I'll transfer to my lips all the counsel that comes from your mouth; I delight far more in what you tell me about living than in gathering a pile of riches. I ponder every morsel of wisdom from you, I attentively watch how you've done it. I relish everything you've told me of life, I won't forget a word of it.

Never forget this wisdom,

Proverbs 2:1,3,6. Living Bible Version
[1](1-2) Every young man who listens to me and obeys my instructions will be given wisdom and good sense.
[3](3-5) Yes, if you want better insight and discernment, and are searching for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure, then wisdom will be given you and knowledge of God himself; you will soon learn the importance of reverence for the Lord and of trusting him.
[6]For the Lord grants wisdom! His every word is a treasure of knowledge and understanding.

I read that scriptures early in life and i stuck to it like mad. Each time I look back and see the terrible mistakes I would have made in life if not for divine direction that saved me, I always say "thank you JESUS". I kept receiving advance warnings before disaster strike because i knew GOD and walked with HIM as a young man. I have lost count of so many deaths that missed me, including poisoning, all due to divine protection. All glory to GOD.

Any young man who is not born-again, does not have the HOLY SPIRIT, is not living holy, does not make sacrifices for GOD in giving and other forms of self-denial unto GOD, does not have the knowledge of GOD'S Word, lives in carnality and disobedience to GOD is already destroyed.

Talking about character, a few bad character are peculiar to many young men just emerging into adolescence, these are age specific character. They have the capacity to destroy you if not checked. They have destroyed many young men. Here are some of them.

1. "I know better than my elders". One of the things that helped me early in life is that I read the works and learnt from everyone I know has advanced beyond me. I devoured their books, videos and audios like mad. I might not have been connected to many of them, but I learnt from them all through their works. This is not to say all elders are perfect. No, far from it. Elders commit sin and make mistakes, even some far more grievous than the ones young men make. You can also learn from their mistakes. The life of those older than you affords you the opportunity to learn from both their good deeds and mistakes. If you are wise, you will learn. Why make the same mistakes others made. Some elders even tell people their mistakes so the younger ones can learn from it. The young man has an immense opportunity to escape the destructions older ones fell into. If you do not learn from their mistakes, you will repeat it. Mind you, not all elders are good, some are wicked. Pray like this now,

GOD keep me away from the bad elders and connect me only to the good ones.

2. "I can do whatever I like and get away with it". You are now getting big and muscular, having deep voice and can talk back, unlike when you were still a kid. Confidence and exposure is coming, girls are now giving you attention, no one spank you anymore, men now allow you speak and do stuffs, even in the Church. You might even start manifesting some anointing that makes people begin to respect you. It is at this stage that many young men make grievous mistakes, they start feeling big and lose their sense of respect, calmness and humility. They talk back to those they should not talk back to, they correct those that should correct them, some even beat up their superiors. Let me zero in on the Church here. A lot of young men have wrecked their entire destiny and future ministerial breakthrough through such mistakes. When you are anointed, people will always hail you, clap for you and honour you. A young mind, but anointed, might not be matured enough to handle this. Pride often destroy them. They begin to see themselves as more anointed than others. They now know the Bible and can quote many verses, even better than their senior Pastors, they get puffed up and begin to despise their senior Pastors who have done them no wrong. Young sisters start bringing them food and money, instead of them to always seek counsel from those GOD has placed them under, they believe they are wiser and make terrible mistakes in the ways of women, not yet having any experience in that area, yet believe they know better. A few who came to me in the issues of women for counsel escaped terrible disasters that their naivety would have caused to befall them, the "I know it all" ones were not that lucky. Let me caution the Church in the way we quickly ordain and promote a lot of young men who fast and pray a lot, get anointed and throw their weights around the Church. They have oratorical abilities that moves people and many Pastors always rush to ordain them. They place them on pedestals higher than their level of wisdom and they get puffed up, forgetting anointing is not wisdom, oratorical ability is not maturity. Such young men hardly last, they often become proud, rude and foster rebellion in the Church. Can't blame them, they were not properly managed. Once you place them at heights higher than their level of maturity, they see it as their normal level. If they go elsewhere and are not accorded the same pedestal, they react negatively and rebel, they feel you are insulting them, though you were helping them.

The grievous peril of their mistakes is that they are ignorant of the law of foundations. The law is that anywhere you serve, whatever you do there becomes a foundation you will reap in the future. Whatever good or bad you do there will always come back to haunt you for the rest of your life unless you go back to correct the mistake. If you are not okay with what they do there, instead of fighting and scattering the place, simply leave in peace, best that way. ALWAYS LEAVE IN PEACE. Two true stories.


I met a man living in sin and very hardened against GOD. I tried preaching to him but he smiled saying he was once an ordained assistant Pastor in a Church that was opening branches like mad not bothered at the spiritual maturity of those they were ordaining. I was shocked and asked more questions. He obliged me. He got born-again in the Church and was baptised in the HOLY SPIRIT almost immediately. He began to give prophecies in Church and was very active. The Church immediately ordained him as an assistant Pastor though he was just four months born-again. Who on earth will ordain a man simply because he prophesied and spoke in tongues ! Just four months in the LORD for that matter. Pride destroyed him. He rebelled against authority and backslid. He became an hardened sinner no one could preach to anymore.


A young man joined a Church and was very active. He was sound in GOD'S Word too. Everybody loved him. Sisters and brothers flocked around him and they all became friends. He was trusted. One of the brothers was courting a sister in the Church whose parents were also Church members. It was open and the whole Church was fully aware including her parents. They all supported it and were already making wedding plans. This new young man in question suddenly began to woo this same sister behind the back of her fiance. He went as far as turning her mind against him until she went to break up her courtship with her fiance throwing the entire wedding arrangement in jeopardy. Chaos erupted when she announced the new brother as her man. Her parents were shocked and the Church was enraged. The new young man was summoned and he became quite rude at the elders. The Church stood against him. The lady's parents did not even want him near their daughter since they had earlier accepted her initial man, the right man. They began to work on their daughter's mind to restore her former relationship, but her initial fiance cancelled all his wedding plans with her and never wanted her near him anymore. It was a big mess. All this in the same Church. In the world, those men would have killed each other, but Salvation did not let them fight, though the enemity was bitter. The elders now began to investigate the new young man. They found the Church he left before joining them and discovered that was the same thing he did that drove him out of his former Church. The elders of the former Church reprimanded him as help and proceeded to place him on discipline. The young anointed and oratorical young man rebelled and left for this new Church. The curse was following him. Everywhere he goes, until he goes back to serve the discipline, he will keep repeating the same mistake and be driven away.

Young men you get my point now. There is nothing like I can always get away with it. As you grow into adolescence and begin to get space in life, keep a cool head. When those ahead of you are talking, shut up and learn. If they discipline you, accept it, it is all for your own good.

3. "No need to recoprocate". As you grow up in life and money begin to come to you. The first thing you should do after giving to GOD is to seek out those ahead of you and who helped you in life to give back to them and honour them. Ensure they bless you, this will ensure you keep rising in life. Never begin to pay back those who helped you rise in life with evil. You will lay a bad foundation for yourself.

More teachings coming for young men.