Apostle Tosin Oke

Apostle Tosin Oke



Cup of Miracles

Cup of Miracles

ACTS 10:38. KJV

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

When JESUS left, HE told us to continue from where HE stopped. HE raised people and has been raising people for this work ever since. I am one of those HE called, ordained and anointed to continue HIS work, operating in the same power of the HOLY SPIRIT. To hell with any other plans of darkness for me contrary to that. My advice to them, stop committing suicide. The same way they hunted JESUS is the same way they have been hunting the true Church and true ministers of the Gospel ever since. They were among the population in the days of JESUS, still the same today. 

The mercy of GOD manifested as JESUS CHRIST to undo the destructions of darkness, to turn those who obey away from hell to heaven, break yokes, cast out devils, destroy afflictions, set the oppressed free, heal divers diseases and sickness and lots more. JESUS is still operating through the true Church (fake abound too). 

Here in this page, we shall allow the HOLY SPIRIT to continue HIS work. Miracle messages, deliverance, power and healing ministrations will come from here and trust the HOLY SPIRIT, as many as heaven desires to touch will be touched. You see, the power of GOD cannot be contained. They (evil forces) did all they could to contain me and keep me away from ministering to you so that the power of GOD I carry will not be able to reach you. Thank GOD, I still carry that anointing in spite of all attempts to rob me of it. Whether I have a physical platform yet to minister to you or not, the power of the HOLY SPIRIT can flow through any good medium, even online, thus this page. 

My miracle ministry is on course, the grace of GOD is still present. We shall allow the master and miracle worker HIMSELF lead us. I shall minister here only as led by the HOLY SPIRIT, thus i can't fix regular time yet, just keep checking, it depends on what HE wants. 



Please follow this order. Play the worship videos below or access them here here and here before proceeding to the Salvation and Miracle ministration (the last two videos) after. Get set to receive. JESUS is here. 


Keep Your Miracle

Keep Your Miracle

GOD is a GOD of miracles, but there are also steps you may need to take as a person to receive your miracle. First of all, you need to understand that GOD raises certain people; be it Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, etc, with diverse gifts and abilities. Some are specifically anointed for healing and other miracles. The average true servant of GOD can pray for all and get answers to their prayers; but there are certain  anointing (the power of GOD that run true servants of GOD) that are specifically for miracles and healing; not all true servants of GOD have it. Those who have it operate effortlessly in healing and miracles. We can't all have the same thing. All anointing are very important and one is not more important than the other. Never look down on any man of GOD because he does not work miracles. That is very wrong. I, as an Apostle of GOD, have various giftings of the HOLY SPIRIT: teaching, word of knowledge, miracles, etc, all these do not often operate simultaneously, it depends on what the HOLY SPIRIT wants to do at specific moments. 

Secondly, you need to understand that the anointing for healing and the working of miracles is meant for such. An encounter with that anointing can effortlessly bring you the miracles you desire.  

The Acts 5:15-16. GNT

As a result of what the apostles were doing, sick people were carried out into the streets and placed on beds and mats so that at least Peter's shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by. And crowds of people came in from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing those who were sick or who had evil spirits in them; and they were all healed. 

Many have operated in this kind of anointing: John G Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, Kathryn Khulman, Alexander Dowie, William Branham, TL Osborne, Charles and Frances Hunter, and many others over generations. These kind of ministers are always among the most hated in the kingdom of darkness. An important fact about this kind of anointing is the various ways it can operate. We saw it operate through the shadow of Peter (scriptures above), through aprons, handkerchiefs, 

The Acts 19:11-12. GNT

God was performing unusual miracles through Paul. Even handkerchiefs and aprons he had used were taken to the sick, and their diseases were driven away, and the evil spirits would go out of them. 

This anointing can be transferred through any good GOD chosen medium : words, water, laying of hands, oil, books, videos, audios, clothes, chairs (yes, I can anoint a chair, you sit on it and the anointing touch you), online, etc, all depending on the Will of the HOLY SPIRIT per time. A true man of GOD anointed for miracles does not need to be physically present where you are for you to be touched by the power of GOD. HE can simply send his word or any material carrying the anointing and you will have the same result. Non of these things must be done in the flesh, they must be done only as led by the Spirit of GOD. 

Your problem remain probably because you are yet to encounter the relevant anointing to meet that need. This is one reason minsters of the Gospel invite other ministers with giftings different from their own to minister at programmes. Combined anointing to break diverse yokes. Our work is actually complementary, not competitive. A very unfortunate experience I have had is when GOD specifically ask some people with specific issues that require some miracles to connect with me and give to me (GOD already alerting me), yet they refuse, go elsewhere until they get destroyed. Why ? Simply because I have the anointing for their problem, thus GOD directing them to me, but they disobeyed. Why give ? 


Sowing them in the wrong place will not work. When you sow into the right anointing, your miracle will come.  This is why some people remain barren though they do many things to conceive; they did all in the wrong place, yet to connect to the right anointing. GOD always direct many to the right person or place, but they often disobey. GOD has 'given' me babies to pray into the lives of people I know have conception problems and ask me to tell them to sow one seed or the other, a prelude to their miracle, unfortunately, they disobeyed. 

Thirdly, you must believe in the true man of GOD for HIS anointing to bless you. You must honour that anointing for it to work for you. I was once ministering in a programme, I finished teaching and was about to leave when a young man ran out and grabbed my leg, not to pull me down, but to place a demand on the anointing. Remember the woman with the issue of blood that touched the hem of JESUS' garment. The same thing. When you honour a true anointing and place a demand on it, the anointing will respond. Immediately, the anointing in me responded, as I touched him, the anointing came on him and threw him some distance away, not in fury, but in comfort. He got what he wanted. 

You must also believe and trust GOD. Faith is also important. GOD is the miracle worker, he often requires your faith to work. Very important you surrender your life to JESUS, confess HIM as your LORD and Saviour, do necessary restitution, renounce all evil covenants for you to receive your miracle. 


Those evil forces who afflicted you hate people being set free; they often will seek to reverse your miracle through your own mistakes. A man was delivered from years of madness only to become mad again after several months. Similar things have befallen many who were healed of various afflictions. For you to permanently keep your miracle, ensure you do the following.

1. Develop a very good one on one relationship with JESUS. Never go back into sin or your old way of life. Begin to grow in GOD through personal study of the Bible, prayers and worship. Become a fire believer. 

2. Ensure you are actively involved in a true work of GOD where you are led to by GOD. Don't stray into the wrong place, you might be recaptured. This ministry is one of such good places. I am trusting GOD to help me establish prayer and power centers in different places where I can minister one on one to people, do whatever you can to help bring this to pass wherever you can. 

3. Ensure you fulfil any promise you make to GOD before or after you received your miracle. Failure to do this is dangerous. You might lose the miracle. 

If you do the above, your miracle will remain. 


You Can Walk Out

You Can Walk Out

Psalms 107:15-16. Living Bible Version

[15]Oh, that these men would praise the Lord for his loving-kindness and for all of his wonderful deeds!
[16]For he broke down their prison gates of brass and cut apart their iron bars.

The book of Psalms is filled with allegories of spiritual warfare. Spiritual gates and prisons actually exist in the various spiritual kingdoms of darkness. People have been bodily taken out of this world to invisible kingdoms and kept in such prisons while people search for them in this visible world. Many lives and destinies have been imprisoned in invisible evil prisons. Prison gates and iron bars can be both spiritual and physical. They also connote various forms of limitations. The scriptures above tells us to rejoice, there is escape in GOD. What does spiritual limitations (gates and bars) look like ?

A Pastor was very gifted, no doubt about it, just like many others. When you see him minister and stand to operate in the Spirit, you admire him. He had the gift, the oratory and the knowledge of GOD'S Word. He was well schooled in the Bible and had passion for CHRIST, people joined his Church without much stress, even those ready to labour for the growth of the Church; good and capable hands, what many ministers desire but don't have. A strange thing that normally happens is that when the Church begins to grow to a certain level and he wants to advance beyond that level, something will go wrong. He might throw up an hostile character that repels people, provocation might arise and he blows his top in such a manner that people leave, quarrel unreasonably with his most committed hands, internal issues and strife that blows up, errors and mistakes, etc, and people will leave in droves bringing the Church back to zero point. He will then start all over again. The same scenario kept on repeating itself bringing his ministry under serious limitations that stagnated the ministry to a particular level he never crossed. Spiritual limitation was at work.

A clear sign of spiritual limitation at work in your life is when you are fully qualified, have done all you can to advance in specific areas of profession or endeavor, yet, try all you can, you never cross an invisible boundary. You are good in your chosen field, even people say so, yet you cannot cross a limit. Try all you can, attempt divers business that others do and make money very fast, yet your income threshold never passes a limit. You are not the problem, you have what it takes, but you just can't pass a level. Spiritual limitation is at work. Beloved, I have seen people labour, even beyond my imagination, labour even more than those ahead of them, yet never passes a limit, no matter how hard they try. Try listening to some people's business ideas and see them proffer solution to problems, yet it does not work for them. They pass over you to promote others equally qualified or less qualified. Have you seen first class products live a meager life. They are not lazy, they have made all attempts to rise, yet no way. Spiritual limitation is at work. Once they stay within the limit boundary in income, ministry or business; all goes well. The moment they attempt to cross that boundary trouble will start: money goes down the drain, people dissappoint or betray them, doors close against them, enemies rise here and there, hindrances and blockages, etc, until they return to the same level they were trying to rise above. You will be shocked to hear of how many businesses some individuals have attempted, yet they never left a certain level. Spiritual limitation is at work against them. I almost cry when I see the large numbers of people who went through all stages of education and labour, yet still never achieved their life's goals and ambition.


There are many factors responsible for this.

1. Some things holding you back existed before you were born. Your family foundation might have entered diverse covenants, swore allegiance to diverse shrines and powers, establish customs and traditions that places spiritual limits on their offsprings. Some of your ancestors might have used other people's stars to rise thus placing a spiritual embargo on the rise of their offsprings including you.  A strong ancestral hold or ancestral family strong men (spiritual forces) might be responsible. Many swore oath to diverse deities on strange altars while seeking help, they got what they wanted but placed their offsprings under spiritual embargoes. Many outrightly sold their offsprings for wealth or favours at strange altars. All these Spiritual factors might be responsible for the spiritual limitations you are experiencing in your life. The way out are :

• Repenting and surrendering your life to JESUS in prayers. Do it now. Go on your knees and confess JESUS as your LORD and Saviour.
• Don't rush to join a Church, whether you have joined one or not, embark on fervent prayers asking GOD to direct your steps to the gathering HE owns that HE wants you to belong to. Not all Churches are Churches. If you stray into the wrong hands, you will go back into bondage.
• Important you begin to grow in CHRIST and learn HIS ways. Go through my works.
• You must embark on prayers to address all ancestral strongholds and covenants. Renounce and reject them all, including all the ones you entered into. This spiritual battle requires your constant enforcing of scriptures over your life. Set yourself free as you declare your freedom from all shrines and powers laying hold to your life. Ask the blood of JESUS to speak and fight for you over all such. It is a new covenant that supercedes all ancient covenants, enforce it in prayers. Pastors who refuse to fight this spiritual battle still suffers limitations both in life and ministry. Some don't believe in it.
• As you pray, be sensitive to the HOLY SPIRIT, HE might give you certain instructions, obey HIM.

2. Your personal mistakes might also be responsible for these imitations. Some of you have blocked others, owed debts you never paid, broke people's hearts in wicked manners, made people cry or sorrow, etc. They might or might not have cursed you. Whether they cursed you or not, you might need to seek them out, make restitution where necessary, return properties you stole from them, do necessary things to receive their forgiveness and blessings. This is where I need to warn many of you who playfully throw curses around while exchanging banter with your friends. Some of those curses you throw at one another as play might register against you in the spirit realm. There are spirits hearing everything you say and using it to operate against you and your offsprings. This is where I advice you to be very reluctant to curse anyone who offend you, such curses are very strong legal grounds in the spirit realm. Many of you are suffering from curses you received during play with friends and colleagues. Some women curse their husbands during birth labour. Some curse their children, etc. Desist from such. In every corner and places on earth are persons who are out to destroy any sign of success or prosperity they see. They are always too happy to work with any curse they see or hear to destroy you, even your own negative confessions against yourself are potent. Some say bad things to themselves: "I will never be this or that....", etc. This is dangerous. Your own words are powerful. They can come to pass. Way out.

• Go and do restitution where necessary.
• Cancel in prayers all curses placed against you during play with your friends. Pray for your spouse and your children, cancel all curses you have placed on them.
• Begin to renounce all negative words you have spoken against yourself and replace them with positive ones. Use positive confessions only in all issues that concerns you.

3. If your problem is personal laziness, ignorance, bad company, lack of focus, etc, you need to adjust. This is where you need to read motivation materials. I have some. Go here. Some are in the wrong business. Some are not in the ministry GOD called them to. Some missed GOD long ago and need to retrace their steps. Some don't have the slightest idea how to succeed in their chosen field. Some are in the wrong profession, some are wasteful, etc. This is where you need to adjust.

4. Some lost their glories and stars long ago through sin. Go into prayers and ask GOD to help you. Only GOD can do that.

5. Evil forces also place spiritual limitations on your life through diverse evil powers and operations. They can lock your destiny inside a bottle. They can chain your business. They can dispatch spirits against you to block you in all the ways they can. They have many charms, chambers and altars dedicated to such. They can sow hatred in people's hearts against you, they can even sabotage your helpers, etc. A brother prayed fervently against spiritual limitations on his life and GOD opened his eyes. He saw a very deep well with all his success in life dropped there. The well was a cast well, covered at the top with iron. No way in, no way out. Another brother saw a revelation of closed doors with fierce looking spiritual dogs placed in front of them as guards. No open doors anymore. A prospering woman suddenly went from riches to poverty. Enemies took all her wealth spiritually and covered them with huge drum. They spiritually destroyed her wealth. Circumstances instantly began to change for bad. She went from prosperity to poverty. Look around you and see ruins of destroyed lives. What they conclude in the spirit realm against you can manifest in your physical life experience. A former agent of darkness confessed he lends people money and collects their glory in return once they don't pay back. Many, after intense prayers, have seen all manner of evil works done against them to ensure they never prosper or cross a limit. What if they have not prayed or gone to the wrong places for help, their story would never have changed. Beloved, all those who do these wicked things are all in our midst watching us all, unfortunately, some are very successful yet do not want others to succeed. They also have kids. This brings me to the next point.

6. Generational curses. Beloved, there is no way those who gave birth to you either from father or mother side will do all these and you their offsprings will not suffer the consequence. This is what is affecting many lives. The way out will require the following.

• Pleading for GOD'S Mercy over your life.
• Getting ready to make sacrifices unto GOD to escape. Just pray and do whatever HE says. One day, I started to pray for a brother whose work was not going fine and GOD stopped me. HE told me to tell him that prayers is not all he needs, he must begin to serve GOD in all the sacrificial ways he can if his life will move forward. If he does not do that, nothing will move. A generational curse was at work against his life, that was the solution.
• Beloved, in your own interest, to avert this generational curse placing limits on your life, i advice you to ask GOD to direct your steps in the direction you need to make sacrifices for HIM. This might include sacrificial giving, helping others, sweating and denying yourself for GOD and going out of your way to suffer for CHRIST if need be. As you do all these, just ensure you live holy so as not to give the enemy the chance he needs to block your blessings. Let me quickly add, some changes you need might take a while to gradually manifest, be patient. Keep doing all the above, be consistent and gradually the spiritual limitations will leave your life.

What are you waiting for, run and obey  !


1. Place all limitations in your life before GOD and ask HIM to remove them.

2. Declare you are under the covering of the blood of Jesus that overrules all ancient or present contrary covenants. Declare John 1:12-14, Collosians 1:13-14, over your life.

3. Cancel with your mouth all agreements and oaths entered into with various shrines and altars laying siege against your life. Declare them null and void in the name of JESUS.

4. Ask fire to visit everywhere works of darkness and limitations have been done against your life and destroy them.
5. Begin to crush or backfire in prayers all forms of limitations you observe against you in all areas of your life. Tackle them one by one, take your time here, don't rush.

6. Pray Proverbs 26:27 against all spirits of limitation on assignment against you. The choice is yours, you can pray other prayers you wish against such spirits.

7. Ask fire to purify you from head to toe.; spirit, soul and body from everything at work in or on you limiting you in life.

8. Lie on your face before GOD and ask HIM for mercy over all curses at work against you, especially limiting you in all areas of your life.

9. Tell HIM to take you by the hand and walk you out of such destruction.

10. Tell HIM to help you make any sacrifice you need to make, HE should just make it clear to you.

11. Ask GOD to give you needed wisdom and understanding to walk you out of all limitations against you in all areas of your life.

12. Above all, ask for grace to obey HIM always because some of HIS demands might not come easy. 

Apostle Tosin Oke Revival Meeting 

Settle down with the video below and receive your miracles. Also access here  Happy viewing. Join the meeting in faith and receive in JESUS NAME. 


Apostle Tosin Oke

Apostle Tosin Oke

Beloved, please ensure you watch my Apostle Tosin Oke Revival Meeting video before proceeding to read this declarations and receive your miracles. Get the video here


I could have made this into video, but decided not too, for the power of GOD works both through video and written. Heaven is not limited to any channel of blessing. Let us allow the HOLY SPIRIT do whatever HE wants.

I rest these declaration, standing in my Apostolic office and in the regalia of authority given to me by GOD; additionally, I establish these declaration on the following precedence and legal ground.

St. Mark 16:20 KJV
And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

Isaiah 44:26 A. KJV
That confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers;.....

Therefore, in the name of JESUS, signs and wonders to confirm what I preach and who I am under GOD will follow these declaration for all those who they are meant for.


There is someone out there seeking for good contracts and open doors in any area of life, business or ministry, those heaven has singled out for this blessing, thus HIS asking me to make this declaration. This is for them. If you are one of them, simply go where you can be alone to pray and say the following to GOD. Kneel and say it before proceeding.

I receive these declaration as coming from GOD and trust GOD to confirm HIS Word in my life as I say "Amen" to them in JESUS NAME.

Now, as you read each declaration, say "Amen" and receive your desired blessings in JESUS NAME.


1. In the name of JESUS, I call forth those contracts you desire for good to come your way, be delivered to you and profit you without adding sorrow to your life.

2. Specific open doors for good, meant for you in specific areas of your life, business or ministry, to begin to locate you and you take hold of them with profits without adding any sorrows to your life in JESUS NAME.

3. Let heaven secure these blessings and help you do all the right things you should do to lay hold on them and enjoy them in peace in JESUS NAME.

4. This is for you to say to GOD. Lift up your two hands to heaven and say to GOD two times.

Help me to do your Will and walk in these blessings, this is my Will. Help me in JESUS NAME. HOLY SPIRIT take full control of me in JESUS NAME.

Ensure you reach me with your testimonies.