Apostle Tosin Oke

Apostle Tosin Oke




Apostle Tosin Oke

Apostle Tosin Oke

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𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐤𝐞. 




Luke 8:30. Living Bible Version
[30]“What is your name?” Jesus asked the demon. “Legion,” they replied—for the man was filled with thousands of them!

Demons are Devils, unclean spirits, wicked spirits, etc, in case you read other versions of the Bible. All the same. They cherish and specialise in living inside people without them ever suspecting their presence in them. Beloved, they have so much ability to do many things. 90% of the bad things people do would never have been done if not for these evil spirits inside them. Thousands of them can live inside a person. Evil spirits in you can afflict you with any type of sickness, diseases or organ failures. They are the origin of most diseases and infections. These spirits can turn to anything including germs, viruses and bacteria, enter your body and work on it to destroy your body. A major reason you keep treating many sicknesses and yet never get healed. All you need is simple deliverance. Drugs cannot kill spirits in your body killing it slowly through diverse sickness and diseases. Many of your kidney, liver, stroke, diabetes, deaf and dumb, epidemics, madness, miscarriages, barrenness, infertility, etc, afflictions are the work of evil spirits inside you. This is why they hate healing and power ministries with passion, they cast them out and kill their sicknesses and diseases destroying their works. What these evil spirits often do in retaliation is to come after those casting them out and destroying their works in diverse ways. They can come after them with sexual immorality, set scandals against them, look for how to destroy their ministries from within and without, orchestrate gang-ups and persecutions against them, they can enter people's bodies and use them against them, they seek out all available legal grounds they violate to destroy them, they can start stalking them, laying siege against their lives, monitoring all they do until they see them make the mistake that they can use to destroy them. Many I have cast out before have moved into my neighbourhood, possess people I know and don't know,  those far or near, etc, to move them against me. They go further, they can enter this world in human forms, get close to you, even join your Church or ministry to destroy you. Yes, many sitting inside your congregation as old, young, rich, poor, male, female, givers and donors, Pastors friends, etc, are among the spirits you have cast out before. They are among those who physically came out against my ministry and my attempts to marry. They work with their other colleagues all around us in human forms to also move against you. True ministers need to go through my APOSTOLIC VIEWS page for more on how to escape these spirits backlash.

When these spirits enter you, they see all you do, hear all you hear and know all you know. They can make you think, speak and act in ways you will normally not do. Some sudden nasty and rude character in people are the handiwork of these spirits. They move you to fight, kill, steal or commit various crimes. They are responsible for various addictions that have destroyed many lives. Once they leave your body, your addictions leave you. You go to jail, get killed, etc, while they depart and go about their normal lives, yet, they were responsible for your predicament. Unfortunately, many who use evil powers work with these spirits to achieve their wicked goals. Your incantations summon these spirits and they go to work for you. The occult operate with these spirits to run operations. Those who patronise spiritualists for powers or to run 'Churches' have these evil spirits work for them. Yes, these spirits can also perform fake miracles, but at a deadly price that will eventually include blood sacrifice. If you use their powers, you will shed blood. This is the point you must never forget.


There are many ways they can enter your body. Generational curse, stated above, gives them the legal right to do so, especially if you are not born-again. If you are not born-again, evil spirits can enter your body at will. You are not safe. Get born-again now.


Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.

I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".

Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.

Sin can open you up to evil spirits, even a single deliberate lie will do. Sexual immorality gives instant access. Using or collecting fetish or occult things invite them into your life, never go near such. Covenants with evil powers is instant devils possession. Beware of fake Churches and false prophets; all the 'JESUS' and 'Angels' they summon are not the true JESUS or Angels but these spirits pretending to be such. They use evil powers while pretending to use GOD'S power. All the hands they lay on you and works they do for you open you up to these spirits. Evil gifts, be it money or other gifts produced with blood or through other spiritual means, some they can bring from invisible dimensions and give to you, etc, gives evil spirits instant access into you. Beloved true servants of GOD, they can build an entire house or Church building as an evil gift for you to get you possessed, such gifts will expose you to things that will drive the HOLY SPIRIT from you, send you into occultism, ultimately kill you one day and send you to hell. This is happening all around, sudden deaths of Pastors and ministers worldwide. Evil gifts at work.

Keep away from things that can expose you to becoming possessed in your own time and eternal interest.


1. Confess all mistakes you have made that have or can expose you to becoming possessed, ask GOD for forgiveness. Dispose of or return all evil gifts, fetish or occult properties with you. Get them out of your life immediately.

2. Pray like this. Say "I receive deliverance from all evil spirits in me now in the NAME OF JESUS".

3. Ask GOD to keep you from ever becoming possessed. Ensure you obey to do whatever HE says.


Apostle Tosin Oke

Apostle Tosin Oke


I occupy the office of an Apostle, not something I call myself, but an office GOD gave me. I, by the SPIRIT OF GOD, stand in that office. Every office and anointing GOD gives are for specific purposes, just like all professions have specific purposes. Doctors, engineers, bankers, architects, etc, have different functions. Each of these professions must have specific abilities that will enable them discharge their functions accurately. Offices, callings and anointings of GOD in the body of CHRIST are not different, they must have specific powers and manifestations of the Spirit of GOD (the owner of it all) to accurately discharge their functions. The Apostle must do many things quite similar to what a builder (construction engineer) in the world does. The Apostle is GOD'S construction engineer to fix things in the Church and build, through his diverse ministries and abilities, the things GOD wants done both in the Church and in the lives of people. The special authority he carries to declare over people, places, Churches and Ministries helps in discharging his functions and mission.  We must manifest certain gifts, abilities and authority, but all these must be as the SPIRIT OF GOD will lead. There is hardly any ministry office we saw in the new testament that had not been in operation before the new testament. Prophets, Apostles, Teachers, Pastors, etc, all functioned as such before the new testament.

Jeremiah 3:15. KJV
And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

Many operated in the Apostolic before the new testament, though they were not called such. Joshua operated in the Apostolic, likewise David and a few others. Most of the pre-new testament Apostles were heavily anointed warriors sent to deliver GOD'S people from captivity, conquer territories, raise warriors and build nations in line with GOD'S counsel. Some also manifested Prophetic abilities. The Apostles of the new testament do not operate with sword and spears, JESUS stopped all that, but carry unique spiritual authority to deliver people, take charge of territories, raise spiritual warriors, build the Church, amongst other functions. Due to the kind of anointing we carry, we must always have worship saturating our operations. Apostolic anointing loves worship. Check out David. If you want to unleash the Apostolic anointing and see it in operation, simply release worship. I, by the anointing I carry, always operate better in an atmosphere of true worship, especially keyboard sound, love hearing strings, etc.  Unfortunately, the enemy recently drove my good keyboardist away after a ministration where he played so well and unleashed the anointing on me. Can you play in the Spirit (as led by the HOLY SPIRIT) ? I need another keyboardist to probably also accompany me on ministry trips when necessary. I also trust GOD for a new and modern keyboard that can weather ministry trips, let GOD use you. One example of Apostolic authority and power.

Joshua 10:12-13. KJV
Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

Please do not go about trying such anyhow, that was for a particular purpose and approved by GOD. Do not try stopping the rain during its season, we must eat. Apply wisdom in planning your programmes. Plan indoor meetings when necessary to avoid rain disturbance. The result will still be the same whether indoors or outdoors. Stop issuing frivolous decrees in the flesh, it will not work. The Apostolic do not operate independent of the leading and approval of the HOLY SPIRIT.

Teaching on the Apostolic is not my focus today. I simply want to unleash one, out of many, of the functions of my office here today. The Apostle, by anointing and authority, can make pronouncements and declaration on people's lives according to the counsel of GOD, and it will stand. A single truly Apostolic statement over your life can fix many things your years of sweat have not been able to fix. We can take it further; we can do same for diverse places and territories. Apostolic declaration can fix nations. We can challenge events and overturn them. Prophets too do similar things. The Apostle often operate in the Prophetic when occasion demand, though not his primary office. Mind you, all these must be done as led by the HOLY SPIRIT. Go through your Bible and see true prophets and Apostles in operation. Enough of that for now.

In this service today, let me operate one of my role as an Apostle. I have a few declaration I want to speak, howbeit in written form, over your life; but before you start saying "Amen", take note of the following points.

1. Best you first surrender your life to JESUS and get born-again.


Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.

I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".

Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.

2. You must believe. If you don't like or believe in me or my ministry, just stop here. It will not work for you. The anointing you despise cannot work for you.

3. You must receive in faith and also be ready to obey any instruction that comes with it.

That will suffice. If you have met the above criteria, simply go where you can be alone and say "Amen, I receive it by faith in JESUS NAME " as you read the following declarations; equally as powerful as if I am there in person praying over you. Just believe.


1. Standing in my Apostolic grace and power, I speak holy invasion for good from the throne room into all areas of your life. Heaven move in now in JESUS NAME.

2. The world is flooded by destruction; let Mercy to separate you from these destruction take charge of you fully, begin to run you in the direction of escape and ensure you do all you must do to escape in JESUS NAME.

3. I declare a divine mystery you cannot explain and which no one can fathom to begin to rearrange your life in the path of the moves of GOD accurately leading you towards HIS glorious destination in JESUS NAME.

4. The hand of GOD on this commission locate you now in JESUS NAME.

5. HOLY WIND begin to carry you away from confusion into HIS direction.

6. Now, take this Prophetic action. Take three steps forward. As you take each step, say this statement, "I journey in the direction of fire and the Holy Flame in the NAME OF JESUS ". This means you say it three times. One time for each step.

7. Let the divine hand reach down to you and pull you into HIS light in JESUS NAME.

8. Now say this three times, "I connect with the Grace on this commission in JESUS NAME".

9. I declare over you, the proper ordering of your steps, thoughts and actions in line with GOD'S purpose for releasing these declarations for good in all areas of your life in JESUS NAME.


The power of substance

The power of substance

There are several mysteries that pertains to substance (tangible things you can see or touch) and the realities they symbolise. Another word for substance, in this context, is your possession. Coded into many substance are spiritual mysteries. The occult world and spiritualists understand these stuffs and use them to wreak havoc, whereas the average human have no clue, a major reason they easily destroy you. Let's break it down. When you visit spiritualists, they ask you to bring hair, clothes, pictures, body fluids, one property or the other for particular rites to be done on them. The reason is this, all these things and almost everything you see as substance have spiritual laws they represent, those laws can be unleashed for either good or bad. Let's see the bad first and then focus on the good after. A few examples : your hair represents your head and its functions, submitting it is submitting your head and its functionalities; this is why a strand of your hair is enough for them to make you run mad. Your clothe represent covering of shame, preservation of dignity. If they can take your clothe and use it in the proper evil way, that alone is enough to strip you of dignity and honour, exposing you to shame and disgrace; such will begin to become your experience in life because a law has been unleashed in a negative manner. They can go further, they clothe you with rags spiritually and poverty becomes your story unless you pray for it to be removed in JESUS NAME. A scriptural evidence to show what garments represents as a spiritual symbol that can be used for both good and evil purposes.

Zechariah 3:3-5. KJV
Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel. And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment. And I said, Let them set a fair mitre upon his head. So they set a fair mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments. And the angel of the LORD stood by.

In the spirit realm, those living in sin and wickedness appear clothed in filthy garments. Any filthy clothe evil forces have covered you in to destroy you must be removed through prayers and GOD'S Mercy, as was done for Joshua above for your life to be set straight. Let me quickly add this. If those who perpetrate these wicked acts are your parents or ancestors, be sure, without anyone necessarily afflicting you, what they did will at a point in your life begin to manifest against you. It is called generational curses, a very strong spiritual law that requires real sacrifices unto GOD to escape. This is why many experience unexplained hardship they cannot explain. They try all, yet nothing works, though no one is afflicting them. One of the things you might be required to do to escape is to clothe some people in a beautiful manner and receive their prayers as sacrifice to lift the curse. This is one of the reasons for the Prophetic ministry, it accurately discern the root cause of problems, since you never know where the problem might be coming from, and tells exactly what must be done to avert it. There are times you might be instructed to buy specific gifts and give to either true servants of GOD or others heaven will recommend to avert the curse. This is why many times when you pray, heaven will ask you for one sacrificial act or the other before you receive the required blessing. When spiritual laws are violated, appropriate spiritual laws to overrule them must be set in motion for the miracle to occur. This is a major reason GOD will place you in a small Church or connect you to a true man of GOD just trying to stand up so you can serve in a sacrificial manner there and bear some of their expenses for your own good. As you buy their clothes, food, shoes, fuel, pay for this or that, you will be undoing the evil your parents or ancestors have done. As you do this faithfully, your breakthrough will begin to manifest. If you flee, you miss your blessings. This is why many stay in CHRIST for years and their stories never change, they do nothing for GOD.

We are all familiar with money being used for evil, we even see it in movies. Money represents anything good. Your money can be used to destroy you. Your money in the hands of GOD can open the door of many good things into your life. The evil ones can also use your money in fetish manners to destroy you. Not all beggars are beggars, some are agents out to use your money for evil purposes. There are two types of money: the first is the normal and good ones printed in our banks and circulated through the banking system, the other one is not printed by banks; they are specially produced in the deep dark regions of evil, straight from the altars of darkness and customised for diverse evil purposes. These second one is produced with blood and flesh and in extremely large quantities. It destroys. Unfortunately, both the good and bad ones look alike. Pray hard you never collect the second one, it is extremely deadly, even the righteous and anointed can be destroyed by it. The source of money you spend is also very important. If it comes through evil or wicked means; it definitely carries a curse. This is why the righteous must stay only within righteous means of living and be contented. Whoever appears in your picture represents the totality of the person. Pictures can also be used to destroy. Ensure your body fluid: menstrual, semen, blood, urine, tears, etc, do not fall into wrong hands; they represent various body organs and their functionalities, in the hands of the evil ones they become weapons to destroy. Your menstrual blood is enough to render you barren if they use it for such purpose. Your blood represents your bloodline. Your urine can also be used for deadly purposes. Placentas are automatic foundational destruction in the hands of evil, very potent. Same for many things: shoes, bags, comb, etc. They take your shoe, lace it with the appropriate charms and your leg starts swelling, etc. Imagine your certificate in the hands of these evil forces and what they can do with it. Let's confirm these things with an example from the Bible.

Exodus 28:40. KJV
And for Aaron's sons thou shalt make coats, and thou shalt make for them girdles, and bonnets shalt thou make for them, for glory and for beauty.

Clothes, girdles, bonnets, etc, are all coverings; they represent glory and beauty. That is the Bible. Evil forces know this. To destroy you, they summon your spirit or make an effigy to represent you, they strip it naked, recite some incantations and your glory and beauty is gone. This is how many lives were wrecked by the very same people we mix with daily.

Fortunately, all these things are also great channels of blessings if placed in the hands of GOD through HIS truly anointed vessels (genuine, not fake) or those that need it. We most often tend to give money because it is very easy and can easily satisfy all needs. The wise will go further. Give clothes to GOD and receive glory and beauty. Give GOD shoes and receive direction to go in the right path. Give GOD car and receive speed in life. Give GOD musical instrument and receive a life of music. Take property from your business and give to GOD and receive a business turnaround for good. Want your voice to go far, give GOD sound instruments. Go further, use your hands, feet and voice to serve GOD truly and see helpers arise for you too.


Scriptural confirmation.

Proverbs 3:9-10. NKJV
Honor the Lord with your possessions,
And with the firstfruits of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine.

That goes beyond just giving money. Different kind of possessions and giving from your increase, depending on the kind of work you do, brings different kind of blessings all adding up to plenty. Take from your possession, take from your profession and give to GOD, ensure it reaches GOD and begin to see the result. Put seats in the true house of GOD and see positions start coming your way. Your life is messed up and lack glitter, simply proceed to decorate a true house of GOD, beautify it and see beauty return to your life. To escape shame, clothe people and receive their blessings. To escape many afflictions is not difficult, simply give exactly the gift that represents what you want and see your story change. Remember, GOD told Elijah to go ask a woman with her last meal to give him food so as to receive abundance of food; you get the point. Do you notice members of your family always have troubles over fixed property like land and houses, to break the curse in your own life; simply let GOD use your property or give to GOD from your property, beloved, property troubles will start missing you. This is why at times GOD ask us to tell people to bring specific items, apart from money, and give it. I often make such calls at meetings where I minister or to individuals. People have received business boom as a result of such. I recently asked a few members of a group to start doing one thing or the other in terms of service unto GOD and they all started doing it. Suddenly, I noticed some of them began to dodge and run for no just cause, even in harsh manners without anyone offending them. This is not ordinary. Of course I understood, the forces against them saw those things they were doing were setting them free and bringing blessings to them, thus they began to work on them to drive them from me and the work. May GOD show mercy. This is the law they were fighting.


That is just a simple summary of substance and symbols. Let us pray.


Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.

I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".

Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.

1. Place one hand on your head and the other on your chest and say this 7 times.


2. Begin to pray against all evil works that your property or anything of yours have ever been used for against you in all areas of your life. Destroy all such operations against you by fire. Ask GOD for spiritual change of garment from bad to good.

3. Ask GOD to show you the property you should give and where to give it that will ensure it reaches GOD.

4. Destroy by fire everything that will try to hinder you from doing the right thing according to this message.

5. Pray this prayer for me and my ministry. 

LORD, in the name of JESUS, send the seed, arms and legs to take this work further and higher; ignite the process and bring the harvest of self running and self sufficient ministry in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.

6. Pray this prayer and mean it.

In the name of JESUS that called Apostle Tosin Oke, I hereby bless him for obeying your voice and bringing these messages to us. I hereby pronounce these blessings (name all the good you can think of) on him and all those whose resources help bring these messages to us.


Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy

What you do not ask GOD HE may not give you. There are certain things that are quite indispensable for your survival in this world. If you understand what this world is and what the present world is meant for, you will always thank GOD for those that were never born. If you were born, then you must survive. When I say "survive", I do not speak of food or several other basic stuffs, even available to those who do not pray, those good things might be fattening you up for the day of 'slaughter'. Many well fed people die suddenly too. The things I write of, if present in your life, gives you the chance of surviving the wickedness and destruction in this world, that most often come suddenly and without notice. Many have died or suffer untold misfortune today they never planned for. You cannot exhaustively read reports of all the death and destruction all over the world in the daily news, for that which enter the news. The ones that never enter the news are countless; yet people still keep bearing kids. Whole families get wiped out at once, all manner of sudden calamities. The list is endless. If the following things are not in your life, you are doomed. You will be totally exposed to any sudden destruction that comes in ways no one can predict. The law of destruction in this world does not miss, only the few who have the following can escape. Only GOD can give them and no one else.

James 1:17. KJV
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

1. You must have Salvation in JESUS. Do it now in your own interest.


Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.

I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".

Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.

2. You must have prayer power, ability to pray for as long as needed and whenever necessary, all in JESUS NAME. Beloved, if you are in this world and lack direct prayer fervency to heaven through JESUS, you are doomed. When I speak of prayers, not the ones you do in the wrong places or through wrong means that does not reach GOD. Your one on one with GOD in prayers must be good. You might not understand how the answer comes nor see what takes place in the Spirit realm, just pray and please, please, never stop praying. There are good books on prayer, in your own interest, study them all. Amongst them I recommend "POWER THROUGH PRAYER" by E.M. Bound. Go dig it up. Check online and study it. Also get spiritual warfare prayer books by Godly authors, not fetish ones looking like prayer books.

3. You must have the HOLY SPIRIT leading and guiding you. Fervently ask GOD for this. Check my YouTube channel for the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT ministration and receive it. I also wish you read "THE SPIRITUAL MAN" by Watchman Nee. Get all the works of Late Papa Kenneth E. Hagins and late Dr Lester Sumral on the HOLY SPIRIT. They will help you. Without the HOLY SPIRIT, trust me, you do not stand any chance in this world. The forces at work against us all in this world have too many spiritual abilities, they simply pretend. They can use ordinary leaf to kill you, they can sit and move flood to destroy, they can sit in one place and be dispatching spirits to destroy in any parts of the world at once, they can turn to anything: fire, smoke, wind, animals, even go invisible to cause havoc, they can afflict with any kind of disease or sickness, they can take your spirit out of your body and enter your body as a replacement using your body without even your spouse, parents or kids suspecting anything till your body drop dead and they depart, etc. Without divine help non of us stand a chance. Too easy for them. if you lack the HOLY SPIRIT, they will devour you cheaply.

4. You must live holy. This alone can deliver you from many seen and unseen destruction. Go and read "THE NORMAL CHRISTIAN LIFE " by Watchman Nee. A must for all those who want to understand the new life and how to live it. If you live in any kind of sin, you are already a walking corpse. If you love yourself, forget about anything sin and the pleasure it brings. Forgo any pleasure sin will bring to you, it is not worth it. Best to live small and holy than to live big and in sin. Anytime you see those 'girls', you know what I mean, take off and run as fast as you can. A lie is an untruth deliberately told to deceive and achieve an evil end. Avoid it. Mistakes in information happen during hurried conversation without any deliberate intent to deceive, you can also sincerely repeat information that is false but which you sincerely believe to be true without any deliberate intention to deceive. All these are excusable, just correct the errors as soon as able, but if you cannot, simply ask GOD to forgive you and forget about it. There are also times you need to positively edit information for good reasons, either to save lives or for a good cause. All these are not meant to destroy but for good. Examples : As a Doctor, you do not want to tell the patient all you know about his or her condition that can make it worse through nervous or psychological breakdown making treatment impossible, you code your information in a positive manner for his speedy recovery. You get my point. You give your old parents information about how things are with you, but you edit your woes that can break their hearts and send them to an early grave. You get the point. Lying deceive to destroy. Positively managing information for good purpose is different. Pray for a life of holiness.

5. You might not be called into full-time GOD'S Work, if you are, roll on the floor daily before GOD, thanking HIM for reaching out to you for special Mercy and proceed to serve, suffer and labour for GOD no matter how hard. It is for your own good. Only eternity can reveal to you the depth of this special Mercy. Most of those HE calls are those whose lives would have been a complete ruin with diverse unseen destruction coming for them; but the call of GOD upon their lives avert them. Beloved, many sufferings for GOD are designed by HIM for your own good, embrace it with gladness. Just ensure you stay faithful throughout, the slightest unfaithfulness might cost you. But since you are not called into full-time ministry, you must be actively involved in a genuine work of GOD sacrificially serving in all the ways you can. You must pray for GOD to direct you to a genuine work of HIS, if GOD is not in it, you are wasting your time there. Pray that prayer now.

6. A heart always willing to give and sacrifice for GOD. Beloved, the law of destruction at work in this world must always see your sacrifices unto GOD, especially in giving that reaches GOD for it to let you go free. Ask GOD for this ability to give.

7. Ask GOD for peace in all areas of your life, only HIM and no one else, I repeat, no one else, can give it. No Government on earth can give this peace anywhere. Read your history books, the world has never been different from what it is now, the only destruction yet to reach your area is the one whose time has not come. The clock is ticking, fall on your face fast and pray like mad for peace in all areas of your life and in your own time and eternal interest, obey all the instructions above and below.

8. Ask GOD for those who will faithfully and genuinely care for you.

9. Ask GOD to make available to you everything you need to be comfortable in life without sinning against GOD and missing heaven. If you are wise, close your eyes to any wealth you see and ask GOD for only that which HIM alone can give you.

10. Ask GOD to remove from you anything that will destroy you.

11. Ask GOD to take you by the hand and lead you HIMSELF throughout your stay in this world, outside that you are doomed.

If you are wise, you will explore all the pages in this website and do all it says. If you are not yet married, explore my young women and men's pages.


Hebrews 11:1. Living Bible Version
[1]What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.

Faith is a most taught subject in the Church, it encompass a lot of things. Actually, faith is the core of our relationship with GOD. The reason is simple; you cannot see GOD, you simply pray to someone you cannot see and be happy HE is doing the job. One thing about GOD is that you see nothing, yet you must take HIM at HIS Word and go about believing what HE has said will come to pass, though you neither see nor feel nothing. This law you must apply in all areas of your life if you want to get a meaningful result from GOD. Actually, the unseen will never become seen until you believe it will be seen. You also see nothing, yet you go about speaking "it is done" to many who will consider you mad. When things are bad and you keep saying "it is well...", that seems like madness to those who have no clue what faith is, yet it is that 'lie' you are speaking that will move heaven to bring it to pass, especially if you keep enforcing the appropriate promises of GOD concerning the situation you want, provided you obey and meet the conditions for their fulfilment, and that is exactly where the problem is; a major reason why people keep confessing and saying they believe, yet never see their expectations come to pass. I hope many of our preachers who tell us to "just believe " will also tell us the major evidence that you believe is that you will implicitly obey GOD. If you are not obeying, all your 'believing' is a waste of time, since it means you actually don't believe. So many great prophecies to people, yet they never come to pass because they disobeyed GOD. "GOD has said it" is not enough for it to come to pass, you must go further by doing all that heaven need you to do for it to come to pass. Look closely at the promises of GOD you quote in faith, expecting them to come to pass and see the acts of obedience you must take clearly spelt out in them for them to come to pass. Examples:

Proverbs 11:25. KJV
The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.

The condition is that, you must be liberal and water others (giving and sharing) for that promise to come to pass. You must first believe that promise, then you go further by obeying the conditions, then believe it will come to pass. If you are not liberal nor water others, believe for 100 years, it will never come to pass. Obedience is actually the ignition, full stop. Another example,

Proverbs 11:27. KJV
He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him.

Favour is what many believers claim and confess like mad in the Church. There are many scriptures promising favour but with conditions attached. The one above is one of such. Honestly, you cannot be a mischief maker, an unkind person, not sowing seeds of kindness and expect favour. You cannot lack manners in character and be claiming the promises of divine favour. Favour will not be able to work for you. Are you getting the point. I have seen selfish, conspiring, envious, stubborn, disobedient believers expecting divine favour. I wonder who they think GOD is. A lot of the messages we preach makes GOD look like a person you can play around with and HE will keep doling out HIS blessings in spite of all your errors,  just because HE said so. This is why believers crash too bad and backslide too fast. They believe nothing can happen to them even though they violate GOD'S Word and disobey HIM. If you understand GOD, you will never take HIM for granted. Learn from this.

Jude 1:3-5. Living Bible Version
[3]Dearly loved friends, I had been planning to write you some thoughts about the salvation God has given us, but now I find I must write of something else instead, urging you to stoutly defend the truth that God gave once for all to his people to keep without change through the years. [4]I say this because some godless teachers have wormed their way in among you, saying that after we become Christians we can do just as we like without fear of God’s punishment. The fate of such people was written long ago, for they have turned against our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. [5]My answer to them is: Remember this fact—which you know already—that the Lord saved a whole nation of people out of the land of Egypt and then killed every one of them who did not trust and obey him.

Remember, the GOD who gave you that anointing owns the power and all you have, forever live in awe and dread of HIM. Keep away from whatever HE forbids and be at peace with HIM. The faith many practice is not Bible faith, that is why it does not work for them, at the end of the day, they throw it away and start doing evil saying "it does not work". One of the foremost teachers of Bible faith, the late Papa Kenneth E Hagin, was a man of implicit obedience to the slightest command of GOD. His late wife was same. The promises of GOD eventually came through for them after years of suffering and hardship. They kept speaking the Word of GOD over their lives and also always obeying HIM. The word prevailed over all their bad experience and they enjoyed till the end of their days on earth, the promises of GOD they believed HIM for. An example of one of their acts of obedience is when things were rough and Papa Hagins got an offer to Pastor a big, flashy and rich Church. He was all for it, but GOD was not in it. The wife stood against it knowing it was against GOD'S Will, Papa Hagins also, in the Spirit, saw GOD was not in it and they both rejected the offer, a similar offer many ministers today have sold their souls and ministry to Satan for. Big is not always GOD, small might not also be GOD, never forget that. That was a hard decision and they continued with Pastoring a small, but not rich Church, managing the little they got. Their obedience set the promises in motion, their trust in GOD activated HIS Word. Their decision made it clear that their faith in GOD was true. GOD eventually gave them a earth shaking ministry, with global impact. His ministry materials was one of the most sold globally. Their name reverberated worldwide. Stop claiming the promises when you cannot pay the price that will bring it to pass. Beloved, that faith you say you have will first be tested before it will come to pass. Don't fail the test, lest you lose the promise. Hebrews 6:11 explicitly state that GOD

"....is the rewarder of those who diligently seek HIM".

That encompass a lot of things. Don't use Hebrews and Greek to twist that scriptures as many do, it simply means; you constantly receive instructions from HIM and obey HIM implicitly.

Another faith example we often quote, Father Abraham. We even sing "Abraham blessings are mine....." in faith, so to say. Here is faith simply defined.

Hebrews 11:1,8. Living Bible Version
[1]What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.
[8]Abraham trusted God, and when God told him to leave home and go far away to another land that he promised to give him, Abraham obeyed. Away he went, not even knowing where he was going.

"Abraham obeyed". That is the ignition. Easy to read that. Do you think leaving your home, people and journey into an unknown place is that easy ? If you see the way the world was back then, you will understand. The inhabitants of that strange land could have killed him. The process every promise takes to be fulfilled is often mysterious, the key is your obedience. Some promises of GOD will require your sacrifices unto GOD to come to pass. When you claim the promises of GOD, also listen attentively to HIM and obey whatever HE says. Also check the scriptures you are quoting thoroughly and ensure you meet the conditions specified before demanding they come to pass for you. GOD told me to tell somebody trusting GOD for turnaround for good to take certain simple steps, the person disobeyed and ran, yet waiting for the promises of GOD to come to pass. You get the point. Beloved, anytime you see anyone complaining that GOD failed them, ask them one question; "what instructions did GOD give you that you disobeyed "?

Well, faith works if you obey. Patience is also important. After believing and obeying, you must wait patiently for the promise to manifest. One key factor in walking in faith is declaring what you want. The reasons are many. One is that the enemy always plot and plan against you, your positive declarations based on GOD'S Word will always cancel their works against you and rearrange things for your good. When they speak or operate against you and you do not counter them in prayers by speaking faith filled words based on GOD'S Word, their evil operations against you will prevail. Let's put this in practice by you making positive declarations over your life and affairs in faith.

Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.

I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".

Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.

1. Now proceed to begin to speak over your life all the good things you want. Cancel all contrary plans and purposes of darkness over you in all areas of your life.

2. Now say the following three times,

I have received from the ministry of Apostle Tosin Oke, I decree in JESUS NAME, all the good things, spiritual and physical, both him and all those helping him to make these works available need in all areas of their lives be delivered to them in JESUS NAME. I cancel all declarations and pronouncements contrary to these in all areas of their lives in JESUS NAME.

3. Commit the new week into GOD'S hands and tell HIM other things you wish to tell GOD.

4. Ask GOD for heart constantly walking in obedience to HIS Word and grace to always obey.