Apostle Tosin Oke

Apostle Tosin Oke



Apostle Tosin Oke

Apostle Tosin Oke


This page continues my teachings and other ministrations I bring from time to time as led by the SPIRIT OF GOD. This is the second page of my teachings. Click on "Read more" above for instant access to the first teachings page. I strongly suggest you go through the first teachings page also, it contains a lot of messages you cannot afford to miss. Welcome on board. Open your heart as we allow the HOLY SPIRIT minister to us. 


Divine Surgery

Divine Surgery

We are all familiar with deliverance as casting out of devils inside a person or place, I mean spirits being expelled in the name of JESUS from people's bodies, homes and places. Yes, spirits can live with you in your home causing havoc without you being aware. That is a major deliverance many need.

The other types of deliverance that people need are far often very unknown, unsuspected, not reckoned with or ignored. This is because it is not the expelling of spirits from a body but the spiritual removal by GOD of several inherited traits, programming, evil nature and character including witchcraft. You wonder how ? Read diligently as I break it down. Many are not possessed but the way they behave, you will think they are possessed. They are not possessed, yet manifest very wicked character that makes you think they are devils themselves. There are many reasons for this. Somebody gave birth to you, not all that gave birth to you are human beings. I do not need to go far to prove this point, a few experience of mine is enough. A few of them have told me of lives they have in the other invisible realms. A few had family over there. One cross into the water kingdom at will and return in the morning. I have seen some in human form manifest fish flying as we prayed. I have seen a few attempt turning to serpents by crossing their legs and trying to stretch into serpent forms as we prayed, but they couldn't. Thank GOD they did not, if that had happened, I do not think any of us praying for them would have waited to complete the prayers. Some humans actually get possessed by these spirits and manifest same, but some sincerely let you know they are not human and need help. There are too many confessions confirming these points and many I have posted as written and video in several of my past messages, especially before I set up a website. Our local and foreign movies are awash with them. Mermaid movies are everywhere. There are movies showing non humans crossing into this world to live amongst us as humans. We see them come and go at will. African folktales are filled with them. People have seen homes and kitchens in felled trees. You must be born yesterday to think all of those you see around are human beings, though we all look human. This truth is not a secret, or do you think the spirits we cast out or pray against are human beings !


Well, some powers run them for the reasons best known to them. Back to my focus in this message. All these creatures marry here in this world and bear kids in which you might be one of their children. This is the truth, you will inherit and manifest whatever non-human trait and nature they have. It comes with their DNA that birthed you. This is why some manifest serpent or other animal character (including wild nature)  without realising it. Beloved, you inherited them. These are the other types of deliverance you need. As you grow older, it becomes stronger. We tend to see old people change into something else as they grow old, it is often these non-human nature that is at work, getting old and stronger, overriding their human nature and making them suddenly act and reason in strange ways. Sitting inside your head might be another non-human brain also growing with you. I have explored this subject with picture in several of my past teachings before setting up a website. 

Well, like I wrote earlier, some powers produce or breed them in extremely large quantities in their invisible labs, using diverse animal species including cobras, rattlesnakes, shark and many wild animals. They are not sent into the world like that, though we have seen some mistakes in news as people have given birth to horse/human hybrid, rabbit/human hybrid, snake/human hybrid, goat/human hybrid, etc. Go online and dig it up. Well, for those who come in human form and unsuspected, they live normal lives like you and I and bear kids. If you are one of the kids, do not be deceived, the nature will manifest in you and get stronger as you grow old. This is the need for the other types of deliverance; divine surgery from GOD to remove such nature. Stop here, go on your knees and cry to GOD


Beloved, do not joke with that prayer, many manifest beastiality without realising it. If wild animal nature is in you, it may make you commit murder one day without being possessed. Unfortunately, the powers that produce and run them have all the necessary unseen technicalities to activate that nature in you and make you do what it is. They can remotely activate the animal nature in you and make you behave accordingly, even to kill. They can do worse. Here it comes.

Many of these creatures are not just sent here, some are actually programmed for diverse purposes including witchcraft. Yes, witches are bred in the invisible dimensions and sent into the world by the arch kingpins of witchcraft and the powers that run them. Actually, witchcraft programming exist. They often select special venomous serpents, do certain engineering on them in their invisible labs. When they are done, they are half human, half serpents or other types of hybrid in form. Of course, these powers producing these creatures, are always harvesting human DNAS and brain through diverse strategies to keep in their bio labs for the production of these creatures. They produce fake born-again ones too. They can appear very religious. Many are ordained ministers, some don't even know they are not human. The ones produced for witchcraft have witchcraft programming placed in their genes, DNA or head. Others are produced and programmed for prostitution, robbery, murder, cultism, corporate world, Church work, etc. When they give birth, beloved, their children (you might be one of them) will have these inherited genetic traits manifest in them. If it is witchcraft, their offsprings can manifest some, though not to the same depth, under the right circumstances. I am not saying the offsprings will do the same wickedness they do, not to their depth, no. The reason is that, the human nature is also very strong and will still manifest as such rejecting many of these wicked character. Many strong and fire Pastors and ministers today, unknown to them, are born by witchcraft creatures. GOD is good. The powers producing witches are no fools, they have all the witchcraft programming placed in them under their remote control. They have all the activation codes and control keys. If you inherit any of such passed to you by birth, they can activate it in you to make you act accordingly if need be. This is where you need the other types of deliverance, divine surgery from heaven to free you from all these things. Some character you manifest might not be Adamic nature, but inherited evil nature and character.

1. You feel very bad at success.
2. You are cold in character.
3. You are extremely vengeful.
4. You cannot tolerate others being helped around you.
5. You wish people dead over minor things and will kill if you have the chance.
6. You are very crafty in nature,
7. You manifest unreasonable territorial instinct.
8. You love charms and enjoy using them on people by nature.
9. You tend to unconsciously do things to destroy a successful person around you. Actually, many can resist this urge,  but if deliberately activated in you by the powers that have the keys, you will see yourself behaving like a witch without being one. This is why you see some children not wanting to show their success to their parents due to past experience. They get shocked when the same loving parents that laboured over them, cared for them, sent them to school and sacrificed over them suddenly begin to give them negative advice or behave strangely at their success. Most children end up thinking their parents are witches, far from it. Your parents truly love you, the problem is that the witchcraft programming they inherited from their own parent is being activated against you by your success and emerging prosperity. It gets worse as they grow old. Some kids notice this and stay away. Others manage it by keeping success stories away from their parents. Some visit false prophets who make it worse by telling them their parents are witches. Some of these prophets know the truth, but will never tell you. Stop here, fall on your face before GOD and pray like this.


The wise will add fasting to that prayer. That problem has caused many problems in many families, with many even fighting and killing one another. It is never the best for the same children you laboured over for many years to start thinking you are a witch simply because some wicked ones activated the witchcraft programming they placed in their witchcraft creatures they sent into the world that you inherited from them as their human child.

Deliverance from evil spirits is one, other types of deliverance follow. Only GOD can perform that other one. Fall on your face and call on HIM now.

James 1:21-22. Living Bible Version
[21]So get rid of all that is wrong in your life, both inside and outside, and humbly be glad for the wonderful message we have received, for it is able to save our souls as it takes hold of our hearts.
[22]And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. So don’t fool yourselves.