






This is my 2nd miracles page. Access the first page by clicking Read more in the displayed page link above. 


St. Mark 5:38-42. KJV

And he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and them that wept and wailed greatly. And when he was come in, he saith unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying. And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise. And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.

Ressurection means bringing back to life that which is dead. Finances can die, health can die, good relationships can die, marriage can die, help can die, visions and dreams can die, success can die and be reversed to failure, prosperity can die, love can die, brain can die, sound mind can die, dignity can die, good positions can die....the list is endless. So many good things people once experienced in their lives have died suddenly without any explanation leading to reversal of fortune from good to bad. You will almost cry when you listen to the tales of woe that has befallen people in this world. We have seen couples and friends who were so close that you will never believe their love can die, even they themselves never once imagined it would die, yet one day things began to change through diverse incidents and orchestrations. Some ignorant people will conclude they never loved themselves, a lie, evil forces can use so many strategies to kill many good things in your life. They can make those who were ready to die for each other kill one another. They target love and good things in people's lives to kill it. I have some experience to be able to write this. I have seen those who will run beyond any extent I ask them to go without asking for a dime, those ready to run with my vision even to sacrificing their own time and resources, suddenly begin to behave as if they never did the good things they did, a sudden change not ordinary. You get my point. When you dig well you will always discover evil forces at work behind the scene. Sudden change from good to bad or sudden turn in the disposition of those who once loved you is always their handiwork. Those doing these things all in our midst. Evil forces can turn people from good to bad to the point that you will believe they never loved you. A lie. A man will literally almost close his bank account just to meet my need, will cross from one state to another to come and help me and offer me all the assistance I needed, all without me asking. Yet one day, suddenly turn from me and cut me off for no just cause. I still marvel how foolish these evil forces think we all are. That is clearly not ordinary; he would never do such. Evil forces at work. You get my point. Have similar experience ? wake up, evil forces at work. I am still single, not my fault though, evil forces were at work. They fought my getting married with the resoluteness of hell, they even died in the process. A clear evidence. I have never lacked women showering me with love and affection. All the sisters who genuinely showed interest in me NEVER came to collect from me. Right from when I started growing as a young man, women have always been the ones trying to care for me. I had this luck probably  because I moved only in the circle of born-again sisters. You might not believe this, but it is true. Not one of the sisters who were interested in me ever asked me for a penny. Of course I gave, the ones I gave to did not ask, I gave on my own. When I look back, i discover they gave to me more than I gave to them. A very interesting experience is that some who were sent as agents eventually turned after getting close to me, started spending on me against their masters (those who sent them) wish and even began to confess who they were to me. This alarmed those who sent them and withdrew them. I understood. Sisters have bought me clothes, gave me food, gave me money, travelled long distance crossing from state to state to come give to me and help me, etc. Women have taken me out to lunch and paid. One sought me out when I was pioneering a work in a lonely place and was hungry; she saw my state, left and came back with money and several people to help me. I never asked. Of course, I have also had female agents come after me resolute to destroy, they were never an attraction anyway.  The question is this, how come I am still not married after all these; evil forces always mobilised to block them. This is why I tell you many sudden turn from affection to hatred is their handiwork. They did same against my ministry. You must not let them turn you against this GOD-sent ministry. They have done enough. Pause here, hit the floor now and cry unto GOD in prayers, 


I share this to spur you into real spiritual warfare over all the good things the enemy has killed in your life but which you took for granted, thinking it is natural. The first sister I had a real relationship with knew I had nothing and she began to fill the gap. When she visits, she comes with cooked food. She never forgot my birthday. Her birthday card and gifts were always the first on each birthday of mine. She buy clothe and buy my own, same clothe. She puts money in my pocket when I don't expect it. She takes our pictures, frame mine, frame hers and give hers to me while she keeps mine. She makes it clear even in public that I was her man without flinching at my financial state, not giving a damn what anyone will say. She never once asked me for a penny, it never happened. We go out together, she pays transport fare, etc. These infuriated the jealous evil marine lustful agents who couldn't get my attention because of her and they moved in against her; it was heavy battle, but she eventually caved in (long story) and left me. Yet, someone will wake up and say that is ordinary, that she never loved me. A lie. The same marine forces that drove her away started coming for me in various ways but they all failed and will forever continue to fail till I finish my course on earth and cross to be with the LORD JESUS in glory in JESUS NAME. Say three loud Amen to that for me.  Beloved, my experience in life has shown me that evil forces have no regard for love and affection, all good things in people's life they must destroy. When you see grandmas and grandpas filling for divorce at over 60yrs of age, that is not ordinary. Dear reader, you have no idea how many good things in people's lives and bodies they have killed. Every dead good thing in your life and body must resurrect. Get ready for resurrection. Do the following. 

1. Surrender your life to JESUS if you are yet to do so. Do it now. 


Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this. 

I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed". 

Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this. 

2. Hit the floor in prayers and ask GOD to resurrect whatever good thing is dead in your life and body. 

3. Access Talitha cumi here or play below, leave it playing as you receive the following Apostolic declaration from the oil of GOD on my life to resurrect the dead. Say Amen as I pray. Start by saying, 

"I receive these prayers as for me, I believe and thank you GOD for answering in JESUS NAME ". 

Do not proceed without saying the above and mean it. Now receive this, just one sentence prayer. 

I, Apostle Tosin Oke, stand in my office as a servant of GOD, I speak to every good thing dead in your life and body to come back to life in JESUS NAME. 

I will advise you send me your testimonies as they come, also your thanksgiving offering. All glory to GOD.